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9:34 A.M.

Mascaralover42- Mo! I know this is early buttttttttt Happy Birthday! 🎊🎉

Maureenstarr- hey Paul, thanks a lot, i wish you guys were home from tour

Gimmiesomefood43- me too :( i just want to a spend day in bed eating

Peaceloveandhindu - me too George

9:39 P.M.

Yellowoctopuses40- hey Mo, how has it been going since I last texted you?

Maureenstarr- okay, i got my nails done and went record shopping and dyed my hair black again

Yellowoctopuses40- wow can't wait to see it, are you home now?

Cynthialennon - yes she is. We are all over celebrating with her

LindaMcCartney- we have extra cake George

Gimmiesomefood43- hopefully it'll be good by next week when we come home

Maureenstarr- wait Cyn, why is the doorbell suddenly going off? It's 10:07 now

Yellowoctopuses40- who knows but maybe you got a delivery 😎

Maureenstarr- ok I'll check it now

Yellowoctopuses40- surprise!

Maureenstarr- you're home early!

Yellowoctopuses40- yup

Maureenstarr - this is the best birthday wish ever!

Yellowoctopuses40 - I wouldn't miss ur bday mo, i love you

Maureenstarr- i love you too!

Happy Birthday Mo, we miss you

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