18 2 1

7:04 A.M.


Mascaralover42- well good morning to you Mick, it's bloody seven in the morning on a Saturday. What's up


Keithbeef43 - why aren't you calling the police then?

Paintitblack43- I'm being invaded by stink bugs

Charliebitthedrums41- oh no 🤦🏼‍♀️

Paintitblack43- I woke up to see one staring right into my eyes. It's big! And they fly! And they make noise while they fly!

Charliebitthedrums41- Mick, can't you call a exterminator to get rid of them? I bet they are coming from your attic

Paintitblack43- but wouldn't that be expensive?

Blondeguitarist42 - Mick, you're the lead singer of The Rolling Stones and you have millions of dollars. I don't think a few hundred dollars won't kill you

Paintitblack43- you do have a point Brian

Blondeguitarist42 - I'm always right

Charliebitthedrums41- well Mick, I know the right people to call. They are good friend of mine

10:40 A.M.

Givepeaceachance40- Mick, I think we got rid of all your stink bugs. I got rid of their nest in the attic, George lighted incenses that stink bugs hate the smell of, and Paul was telling everyone how he wrote "Let It Be" and Ringo helped me as well

Mascaralover42- John, I thought the bugs would want to know the story of "Let It Be"

Gimmiesomefood43- I don't think they understand you Paul you talked for them for an hour

Mascaralover42- but I was only at the beginning when my mother came to me🥺🥺

Givepeaceachance40- well Mick, I think our work here is done

Paintitblack43- thanks a bunch mates! But now my house is infested with The Beatles

Givepeaceachance40 - 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

I hate stink bugs

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