Chapter Seven

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Apparently, since the Gryffindor Quidditch Team had no participants to be their Seeker, Harry was automatically welcomed into the position after McGonagall's recommendation. But, she had that power because she was Head of Gryffindor House, so someone else had to be brought into the picture for my case.

That afternoon, McGonagall had spoken to the Head of Slytherin, who I had later discovered was Professor Snape, about letting me try out for the Slytherin Team. Considering that older students were also trying out, I was a first-year, and Snape had never seen me play were all factors counting against me. The only thing that gave me hope was my Dad was a Quidditch star in his youth and I had been playing my whole life. Flint said Snape wasn't very reluctant of the idea, so that was a plus.


I woke up the next morning to someone shaking me. "Lex! Wake up!" I groaned and lifted my face from my pillow. Nat (a nickname I had quickly gotten used to calling Natalia) was standing over my bed, straightening her tie and tucking it into her sweater vest. I picked up my watch off of my nightstand, checking at the time as I strapped it on my wrist. Just like the day before, Nat had gotten me up at 8:00 a.m., giving me time to get ready and have breakfast before classes. I sat up and got ready.

Nat was explaining to me how interesting she found our History of Magic class to be as we made our way to the Great Hall. A couple of third-year Slytherins gave her dirty looks as they passed by. I could feel my friend tense up and fall silent of her rambling. I resisted the urge to repeat my actions from the train ride.

"Is there any way we can sit with your brother today?" Nat asked, relaxing a bit. "I'm not sure if we're allowed. There's McGonagall, I'll ask her." I jogged up to our Transfigurations teacher, who was helping a first year Ravenclaw with directions. "Excuse me, Professor?" I asked once she was finished. "Ms Potter. Ms Cummings." She greeted us. "I was wondering if we're allowed to sit with the Gryffindors in the Great Hall." "Yes, that's allowed. The only exception is dinner. At that time, you must sit with your respective house." She explained. I nodded. "Thank you, Professor."

I turned to walk away with Nat, but she started speaking to us again. "Oh, and tell your brother that you're going to need better brooms than the ones from Flying Class." I turned again. "I assume with your father being who he is, you two already have your own brooms." "We do, Professor. I can owl our parents once they write back." She gave a curt nod, before chasing after some second years she spotted getting into a bit of a tiff. Nat and I continued to the Great Hall.

Again, the large room wasn't as packed as it would've been for dinner. Instead of going to the Slytherin table at the far left of the room, we went two tables over to join the Gryffindors. Harry was already there with Ron. I sat next to my twin while Nat settled next to the redhead. "Morning four-eyes." Harry didn't have to turn his head to know it was me. "Morning scar-head." "That applies to both of us." I said, poking his forehead where his mop of hair was covering his scar. He swatted my hand away.

I started filling my plate with food. Harry finally acknowledged me. "Are you allowed to sit here?" He questioned. "Yeah. I checked with McGonagall." He sighed. "Oh well, I was safe for at least a day." I elbowed him. "She also said we have to owl Mum and Dad so they can send us our Nimbus'." "We'll do that after they write back to us. When is the mail coming in today?" Harry asked. There were suddenly numerous hoots from the ceiling. Everyone looked up and prepared to catch letters and parcels that owls were starting to deliver. "I'm guessing now." I replied.

I looked around until I spotted Nobby coming towards us with an envelope. I reached into my bag and pulled out an owl treat. Nobby was about three feet from us in the air when I tossed the snack towards him. He dropped the letter and caught the treat in the air before flying away. Harry caught the envelope.

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