Chapter Eight

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The next morning was Sunday, so everyone still had one day off from classes. Let me rephrase that, everyone except me. I was going to spend my Sunday morning at Quidditch practice. I had gotten my set of Quidditch robes a couple of hours after I found out I had made the team.. Everything was dark green, except for the pants, letters, the stripes on the jumper, and numbers, which were white, and the pads and gloves, which were brown. On the back of my cloak, it read, Potter at the top and 07 just below it.

I made my way down to the Quidditch field at 6:00 a.m. Since it wasn't a real game, I only wore my pants, jumper, pads, gloves, and trainers. We had to wait for practice to start because someone was missing. "Where the bloody hell is Bletchley?" Flint finally asked in frustration. We all shrugged. "I'm here!" Everyone turned to see our fourth-year keeper, Miles Bletchley, running up with his broom. "Alright then, let's get started!"


We practised from 6:00a.m. until noon. We spent the morning going through plays, running drills, and practising different strategies. I might have been playing Quidditch since the early age of four, but it was still exhausting. I think it was mainly because breakfast didn't start until 6:30a.m., and practice started half an hour before that, so we couldn't eat until Lunch. When I got up to the castle after practice, I went right back to the common room and took a shower, dressed myself in a green jumper, black skinny jeans, and white trainers, and took a nap to make up for the sleep that I had lost.

I woke up at 2:00p.m., so I also missed Lunch. I started "talking" to Harry. "Meet me by the lake, and bring food." "Alright, give me a few minutes." "Thanks, Gryffindork!" I had grown to really enjoy calling him that. "No problem Slythergit!" I could already tell he was enjoying that one.

When I got to the lake, Harry was already sitting in the grass with a bag. I walked over and sat next to him. "Where have you been? You weren't at breakfast or lunch." My sibling asked after noticing me. "I had Quidditch practice from six until noon, then I fell asleep." I replied. He nodded and handed me the bag he was holding. "Oh bless you, Harry." He chuckled at my reaction as I opened it. There was an apple, a PB&J sandwich, and some potato chips. I started with the sandwich.

"How was Quidditch practice?" I shook my head. "I can't tell you anything about that. It's classified information." I said. He rolled his eyes. "Oh, Mum and Dad owled back. They said they wish you the best luck at tryouts and that they're definitely going to be there for the first match." He informed me. I nodded. "I'll write back and tell them I made the team."


Weeks of classes, Quidditch practice, and pranking sessions went by before the time came to start preparing for the first Quidditch match of the season. Conveniently, it was Slytherin against Gryffindor, so Harry and I would be facing each other.

The day before the match was Halloween, and Charms class with Flitwick was a pretty boring place to be. He was teaching us about a levitation spell. You might think it sounds interesting, but Mum taught us that spell when we were nine, seeing as it was one of the easiest ones. I still forced myself to pay attention to the explanation.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, or in other words, the ability to make objects fly. Now, do you all have your feathers?" He asked. We all held up the white feathers we were given at the start of class. "Good. Now, don't forget the wrist movement we've been practising: swish and flick. Oh, and enunciate the incantation clearly: Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go, then."

Everyone started trying to levitate our feathers. I was sitting next to Draco, who was almost making my ears bleed with the way he said the enunciation so incorrectly. "Wingardium Leviosar." Ron, who was sitting on the other side of the room with Harry and Hermione, was waving his wand in every different direction. If Hermione hadn't stopped him, I assure you someone would have been sent to the Hospital Wing. "Help me." I heard Harry's voice, which matched the pleading look he had on his face. I smirked. My attention was drawn away from him when Hermione's feather started levitating into the air. She lifted it at least ten feet before the rest of the class started noticing. Flitwick cheered at the sight of her success. "Well done! See here, everyone? Miss Granger's done it! Splendid!" He exclaimed.

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