Chapter Eighteen

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Harry and I spent the remainder of the school year surrounded by all of our friends. Nat and I would sneak out almost every night with Fred and George to set pranks at the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw common room entrances  for them to fall into the next morning. After a few days, it had gotten to the point where we barely saw any of them in the hall because they all just stayed in their dormitories.

I also spent my afternoons practicing Quidditch with Nat, seeing as she was getting better and better at flying. She had the potential to be a chaser, but I sensed more of a beater's feel from her. She certainly had the concentration.

Draco often joined us out on the pitch. He kept saying he was going to make the team in our second year, and even went as far as asking me to put a good word in with Flint. I told him I would see what I could do.

After what happened with Quirrell and the stone, Nott and his goons started keeping their distance from Harry and I, which I was happy about. Apparently he started a rumor that we can both disintegrate people with one touch. I enjoyed the kind of attention I got from it. I would sometimes dramatically put my hand on a Hufflepuff's shoulder just to see their reaction. It gives me a good laugh.


I woke up one morning to find myself not in my four-poster bed, but on one of the sofas in the common room. I looked over and found Nat sleeping on the other one. "Nat." I called in a tired voice. She didn't budge. "Nat!" I said louder. She shifted a little, but didn't awake. I sighed and looked around for something that could help me. I picked up my shoe that was laying upside down on the floor and threw it at her.

"Aah!" She screamed after it hit her on the head. I couldn't help but burst out in laughter. She rubbed her head in pain. "What was that for?" She groaned. "You—sleep—like a rock!" I replied in between laughing. She rolled her eyes and sat up.

After I calmed down, I sat up as well. "How did we get down here?" I wondered aloud. Nat yawned. "Greengrass." Then I remembered; we were out really late with Fred and George and didn't make it back to the dormitory until about two in the morning, and Daphne was snoring loudly, so we went downstairs and slept in the common room.

"What's the time?" I asked. Nat looked down at her watch. "Nine thirty. I'm surprised no one's woken up." "Well, it is the last day of being here. They probably just wanted to sleep in." "Is your brother awake?" I shrugged. "I'll check." I concentrated on my thoughts.

"Harry! Are you awake?" "I wasn't until you woke me up!" "Sorry. Can you, Hermione, and Ron meet me and Nat in the Great Hall for lunch?" There was a pause. "We'll be a minute."  "Brilliant."

I looked back at Nat. "We're meeting up in the Great Hall." I said as I stood up and started towards the dormitory. I could hear her follow me. "Wow, was he awake this early?" "He is now."

After getting dressed, Nat and I made our way up to the main floor around noon. I got some high fives from some Slytherins and a few first year Gryffindors that we were close with.

Only about half of the school staff were eating lunch in the Great Hall, McGonagall included. We sat down with Neville at the Gryffindor table. "Good afternoon Neville." Nat greeted him. He looked up from his food and grinned. "Hi guys!" He cheered. "Have you enjoyed your first year at Hogwarts?" I asked. "If enjoyed is another word for surviving, then yes, very much." Nat gave him a pat on the back. "It couldn't have been that bad, could it?" "Well, thanks to you lot, I have more courage now than when the first term began." I chuckled and messed up his black hair. "That's the spirit!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked in and joined us a few seconds later. "How's it going Harry?" I inquired innocently. He gave me a glare. "Don't push it." He spat. I raised my hands in defense. "Someone's in a bad mood." Hermione commented. Harry turned his attention to her. "You would be too if you woke up to someone else's voice yelling at you inside your head." I scoffed. "Oh please, you do it to me all the time." "At least you didn't wake up someone throwing a shoe at your head." Nat affirmed. All four of the Gryffindors looked at me. They all just stared at me for about four seconds. Ron broke the silence. "You won't stop until nobody in this bloody castle gets any sleep, will you?" I shook my head. "Nope."

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