~Not your property💙

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Ooohhhh, I think I'm getting the cringe vibe XD

Do you feel it also? Lololol

Anyywhoo, I'm gonna leave right here and cringe down to neverland ;)

(R/G)-Random Guy
(C/L/N)- Crush's Last Name


(Y/N)'s POV


I'm seriously wanna strangle and punch (R/G) in the face, but I'm too weak and he's a freaking jock! Who in their right minds punch someone who works out and then you don't work out?!

Why do I wanna strangle him? He hits on me everytime I'm in the hallways and I hate it! Only (C/N) can do that!

We aren't dating anyways, so sucks

"I'm so so sososoooo pissed right now" I said putting my hands to my temple

"Chillax hun, want me to call (C/N) to help ya?" My best friend said playfully winking at me, and I roll my eyes at her

"Yeah yeah, like he would save me"

"Who knows? Maybe he will save his damsel" She said

"I'm not a damsel who needs a prince"

I said and shut my locker and headed to my first period, good thing (R/G) isn't in my first period

I slumped into my seat, buried my head and closed my eyes, not noticing the male sitting beside me

(C/N) pokes my head, wondering what happened to my current state, "Hey (Y/N), you alright?" He asked and I slowly turned my head at him still eyes closed

"Do I look like okay?" I said, now opening my eyes

"Nope, but you look cute" He said, but I couldn't hear the last phrase

"What was that?" I asked again, seeming to see the now flustered male beside me

"N-Nothing" He said and looks away, as I was about to say something when our teacher came to our room

*Timeskip, cuz do I need to put the lesson's and stuff part guys? XD* (Just kiddin my mates, love yah XD)


Ah lunch break, please don't tell me I'll see (R/G) again

I quickly run towards my locker and shove my things in there, when I felt some presence behind me

"Hey (Y/N)" a voice said seductively, or should I say annoying

I shut my locker door and closed my eyes in frustration as I face the person behind me

"What do you want? I'm not in the mood for you shits and all" I said, using my monotone woice (Excuse my word my little blues)

"Ohh feisty, I like it" (R/G) said, putting his hands on the side of my head

"Uhm do you know what personal space is? Or should I shove it into your tiny brain then?" I said moving away, but only to be pulled back

"Ugh! Get your hands off me" I said, but he didn't and that sent me over to the edge, I was about to punch him when someone pulled him away from me

"Hey! Back of my girl will you?!" My Girl?  I looked at the boy, holding (R/G)'s collar


And he called me his girl....

Did my heart just malfunctioned? Or am I going delusional?

"What are you her boyfriend or something?!" (R/G) fights back

"Hell yeah I am!" Wait what, run by that me again?

"Really?! The last time I checked she wasn't yours!" (R/G) keeps on talking really, he needs to stop

"And she's not your property in the first place!" He said, almoat landing his other fist to (R/G) when I stopped him, and stepped in front of him facing (R/G), who is smirking

"See? She likes me mo—" I cut him off by kicking the shins out of him

"Yeah in your dreams" I said rolling my eyes, as (R/G) crutches down in pain

I stiffle a laugh and face (C/N), who was now shock, but still red, out of anger I pressume?

I hugged him with all I got, "Thank you for saving me, My knight" I looked at him, now he's cheeks are flushed

"But seriously (C/L/N), Your girl?" I giggled at him as he looked away

"Your mine anyways" He mumbles, but I heard it, and I wanna hear it clearly

"Louder please! Can't hear ya" I said pulling away from him looking at his flustered state

"What was that again My Knight?" I tease him, he looks absolutely adorable, that I can't help but smile, that my cheeks hurt

"You're adorable" I chuckled, where did I get so much courage?! I think my legs are starting to wobble

"You're much more adorable" He said still not looking at me in the eyes

"(Y/N)!!!! I heard trouble! Where is that punk?! Oh" She said looking down at (R/G)

She didn't looked at him with pity, instead she kicked his butt

"Ow!" (R/G) hissed in pain

"Meh, you deserve far more than that" (B/F/N) said while looking at her nails

"Your heartless!" He yelled

"If I'm heartless hun, do you think I'm still alive? Now get out my sight before I hit you twice" She said, and (R/G) slowy stands ups and walks, limpy I might add

"They way he walks is hilarious" (B/F/N) laughs and looks at me

"(Y/N)! My poor daughter, what did he do to you?!" She said as she roams her hands around my head, checking for bruises I suppose

"I'm fine (B/F/N), and you're not my mom" I laughed

"That's good honey" She said, and looked behind me

"Oh hi (C/N) didn't see you there! Did you save your damsel?" (B/F/N) laughs hysterically, seriously this girl, I love her and all but she's crazy sometimes

"Y-Yeah" (C/N) stuttered, since when did he become a shy type?

"He sure did" I walk toeards him and tip-toed to kiss his cheeks, and whispered, "Thanks again my Knight"

As I turned my back, (B/F/N) her mouth was open, so I closed it back, "Let's go eat lunch" I said and took her hand

"Oh! Do you wang to come with us?"  I looked back to (C/N) and asked, as he blinked and nodded

I smiled, as we walked towards the canteen

I can't stop smiling that I can't feel my cheeks anymore


I'll be publishing soon a 1k special for you mateys! ^o^

"See that lonely star? That's you, because even though you don't stand out, I find you still shining bright"

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