I just thought this was cute, so I'm posting

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I found this on Tumblr and couldn't help but think of Rose and Dave while reading it

I found this on Tumblr and couldn't help but think of Rose and Dave while reading it

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ok, but ask yourself this about your otp:

which one hogs the blanket?

DAVE! No doubt

which one cuts the other's hair?


which one makes coffee for the other every morning?

It depends on who wakes up first, but usually Dave (Especially in Part III)

which one picks up the pizza?

Rose would complain, giving Dave a puppy dog face until he went. She would always end up going with him though.

which one liked their music on full volume?


I can picture her blasting heavy metal in their house and Dave being confused as hell as she jumps around on the furniture

which one complains about the crumbs on the bed?


Rose purposely lays on his side of the bed when she misses him, sometimes dropping food on it while he's away.

which one is ticklish?


It's Dave's secret weapon to use against her when they're doing their usual back and forth

which one sings and which one plays the music?


Rose will NEVER sing in front of anyone, always saying she could break windows with how bad she sings. Every once and awhile, she'll mess around with a Tamborine or drum on her thighs when Dave's singing though

which one proposes?

This is for me to know, and you all to find out later...

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