Life Update/False Starts Announcement

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Hey all!

With the return to school and constant bustle of my short fall season (man we love that student-athlete grind), it has been impossible to sit down for prolonged periods of time to write.

This week is our final week before off season begins, so I will have a ton of free time to finally sit down and write what I ACTUALLY want to put on the page rather than rushed jumbles of words.

I have missed writing about Rose and her life.

Over the summer she practically became my child, and I really want to get the content out to all of you. There is so much I have planned and I know there are still so many unanswered questions that are leaving you all on edge!

The main point of this post is to say that:


I have not given up on this story and do not expect to until it is complete.

Thank you for the patience and understanding through this long month of no updates (it hurts me not to write. Literally eating me alive)

After this weekend, there will be an update (I'm thinking Monday after class)

Love you all! ❤️

Love you all! ❤️

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