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Can someone PLEASE explain to me why people are STILL taking this virus like a grain of salt? Because let me tell you, I'm getting kind of sick of the nonchalant nature of some people in this world.

For the longest time, everyone was pissed off at the college student saying we were the ones causing the spread because we (not including me because my sports season was cancelled the morning we were supposed to fly to Florida for our spring trip) continued to go on our spring break trips. Yes, we shouldn't have been traveling and YES we are commonly seen as carriers, but WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE LINES A MILE LONG WAITING TO GET INTO STORES LIKE HOBBY LOBBY???

Why are college students seen as the main problem when adults are sitting here bringing their 2 WEEK OLD BABIES (and yes NEWBORNS I swear) out into public when they have yet to develop an immune system and THERE IS A DEADLY IMMUNE VIRUS SPREADING AROUND THE UNITED STATES ??? It makes NO sense to me.

But no, it's all college students when I know for a fact that a great portion of us HAVE been listening and traveled straight home when out institutions closed down. We're all sitting in our houses trying to find SOMETHING to pass the time (I've even taken on knitting I mean wtf guys) so we can actually GO BACK TO CAMPUS IN THE FALL.

We aren't pissed because we're not getting to go to Florida or the Caribbean or over seas for break. We're PISSED because we're educated and are sick of people spreading fake news and not listening to the precautions because we want to get back to our lives by the fall. I FUCKING MISS MY FRIENDS. I MISS MY SPORT. AND I SWEAR I'VE LOST OVER $500 IN CONCERT TICKETS ALONE FOR THIS SUMMER

When Seattle got hit with the virus like it did, I was sick to my stomach because I had planned to go there this summer with my best friend. The trip was planned and everything, but now looking back I'm glad I didn't put down a deposit on an AirBnB or flights because there's no way in hell we can go now.

Just, take care of each other

Do fun things at the house with your family if they're with you.

Run around the block (while keeping distance from others) or do yoga to relieve stress.

But, let's just try to slow this shit down.

I'm so worried my mom or step dad are going to get it because they are mandatory workers for the state and military so they have no choice but to go in. Both used to be smokers and stoped about 7 years ago, but they're still more susceptible than others...


I'm going to post about some of the few good memories I have of 2020 so far

I hope you enjoy haha

I hope you enjoy haha

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