"I - i think i might love you"

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Benjis POV

School ended and I was worried about jey and syd. But I had a date to worry about. I got home and I fixed my hair and I changed to a more respectable outfit.

I heard a beep from down stairs indicating noen was there to pick me up. I was sooo excited!

"Hey pretty boy" noen said while I got into the car.

"Uno reverse" ew benji never say that again especially on dates

We were driving to the coffee shop and noen put on a song, his phone could connect to his car it was sooo cool. On the radios screen it said the song title was

"Drifting away"

It was a sad song. Thank god it changed.

We arrived at the cafe and noen got out and opened my door for me.

"Thank you! Kind sir" I said in a jokingly manner.

We bothed started laughing. We got in and sat at a very comfortable table. We were laughing and joking intill the waitress came our way.

"Hello you two! What would you like from our fine menu today?" She said with a very welcoming smile.

"Hi I would like a dark roast coffee and a regular cookie please! What would you like benji?" The white haired boy said.

"Oh - I - i um want a cold brew coffee."

"Is that it for you two?"

"Mhm" I said.

While we waited for our things we made TikToks. One to the song we listened to in the car and another to prom dress. Our food finally came out.

"Here have half" noen said while breaking his cookie in half.

"O-ok" I said , I felt my face heating up.

"Are you ok benji! Your face is red" he said in a worried tone.

"I-I'm Just blushing"

"Ohhhhh ok~" he said with a proud smerk.

We finished our food and went back to the car. Noen didn't talk the entire drive but ever so often he would look into my eyes and it made me feel happy when he did.

"I - I think I might love you"

"I love you too benji" he said with a cute smerk.

We got to my house, he opened the Car door for me. He cuffed his soft hands around my face and put his forehead to mine. There was about a 3cm gap in between our faces. He closed the gap and connected our lips. It was a very soft and lustful kiss, It felt weird. I don't know what it felt like but it didn't feel like people explained it, like you and the kisser were the only ones there. I was completely aware of my surroundings. After 2mins went by I pulled away and said goodbye and went into my house. My parents were asleep thank the lord.

I went up stairs onto my phone. I had 7 messages from jey and 3missed calls from syd. Shit that date made me forget about jeyjey and syds problem! I quickly called syd.


S: i *sniffle* thought you were*sniffle* dead

B: no no I was just on a date and I forgot my phone. What happened!

S: i told Jorge I wasn't his Friend anymore and he won't respond to my text or calls and on his snap map he's not at his house and he's somewhere else and it ps 2:10 am and I was wondering if you could go see him and make sure he's not dead please.

Two boys in love~benjeyWhere stories live. Discover now