// seventeen //

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Everything was going great. What happened? Why'd he collapse? I can't think straight.

We were back in the hospital a week after they released Calum. Should have just stayed.

Here I am back again in the waiting room pacing back and forth waiting with the boys to see what the doctors have to say.

Just great.

"Mar, calm down. Everything will be okay. Please sit down. " Luke patted the seat next to him.

I paused for a second and stared at him. I took a deep breath and sat down. I almost immediately laid my head on his shoulder.

"Do you think he'll be okay? "

"Knowing him, even unconscious he won't give up."

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in.

"Hopefully you're right. " I said quietly and closed my eyes and started to think.


"Ashton? " An unfamiliar voice called out.

"Yes." He quickly stood up.

"Calum seems to be in great condition. Blood pressure is normal, heart beat is regular, lungs sound great. He seems to be responding. So far so good. I can't exactly tell you when he passed out but I can assure you he's better than ever."

"That's good to hear doc. Any issues with his head?"

"Not that we saw. I'm sure he'll be fine. You can go in and see him, just don't be too loud. "

Ashton sighed and looked back at us and nodded.

"Come on. Let's go check on our friend." He waved us over to the direction he was walking.

"Mar, want to go first? " Luke asked.

"No, I'm not risking it again."

He gave me a small chuckle and opened the door.

"Here goes nothing." He walked in followed by Ashton then Michael then myself.

"Hey Cal." Michael said casually. "You feeling okay? "

Calum nodded.

Well he seems to be responding just fine.

"Do you remember anything?" Ashton stepped up next to his bed.

"Actually yes. I remember everything."

"What's everything? " Luke walked up.

"Everything," he paused. "From meeting Marlena at the club to getting shot by Blake. "

"How did this happen?" Ashton looked up.

"I don't know but at least we have Calum back."

I stood quietly in the back trying to find a way to make my way out of the room unnoticed.

"Mar. " Calum called.

I looked up.  "Yes? " I said quietly.

"Come here."

I slowly made my way to him looking at the other boys getting small nods from each of them.

"Hi. " I chuckled lightly once I got next to him.

"Closer. " He opened his arms.

I leaned in embracing him in a hug. 

He held me so close and tight.

"Don't leave me please. "

I just stayed quiet.

If only I could say I wouldn't. I sadly thought.

Don't you just love my cliff hangers?

By the way guys I'm working on a new book. It's a punk Luke Hemmings book.

Let me know if any of you would read it once it comes out.

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