Alira's POV

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I hear something thump downstairs and leave Sylvie's room to go see what it is. She left me in there about five minutes ago looking at her artworks but i dont know where she went.

I peer out the door onto the landing. "Sylvie?"

Closing the door behind me, i creep down the hall, peering into every room as i go. I reach the stairs and go down slowly. When I get to the bottom and peer around the wall i see Sylvie and Ruel arguing in hushed whispers at the dining table. Sylvie is standing calmly leant against the table, arms folded, while ruel struggles to pick up miscellaneous items scattered all over the table.

"-i work hard and its none of your business, I have the right to keep it private sylvie!"

"Ruel, they'll find out eventually. Everyone knows-"

"Then let them find out! We dont have to hand it to them and force it on them! We dont even know them, it could be a privacy risk, seeing as they're staying at our house!"

I feel that it isn't a conversation i should be eavesdropping even though it makes no sense at all.

I try to sneak back upstairs unnoticed but-

"Alira!" Laughs Sylvie meanly. "Ruel was just talking about you!"

"No I wasn't..." replies Ruel irritably.

"Need some help carrying that back upstairs?" I ask Ruel. But Sylvie replies first.

"Yes please."

I respect whatever he was saying about privacy and try not to look at the objects when i pick them all up, but it's hard not to peek. There's jumpers, shirts, hats and posters, all with the same logo on them that i avoid looking at.

We go upstairs and dump them on Ruel's bed. Sylvie leaves the room and Ruel and i are left alone together. I look around his room a bit as I wait for him to make space to put the last few items. There are some guitars and a microphone in one corner, and a desk with stacks of paper.

I try to make conversation.

"What school do you go to?" I ask politely. He doesn't look up.

"I'm homeschooled."

"Oh, nice. What year are you in?"

"11. You?"


There's a long silence in which Ruel moves some of the stuff under his bed.

"You know, you'll probably be sleeping on a mattress on the floor in the spare room. You cold always have coco's room, she's never home."

I laugh. "And you're sure she'd agree to that?"

He smiles, and it's nice to know that someone who seems so cold and uncaring can show the slightest sign of emotion. "Nah, probably not. Maybe you're safer in the spare room so she won't attack you when she... if she gets back."

We dump the rest of the stuff under the bed and I go to walk out the of the room.

"Hey." He calls as a reach the door. "You wanna come walk our dog with me after dinner?"

I grin. "Ooh, I love dogs. Of course."

"See you later then."

I walk downstairs to find dad and he's still on the couch talking endlessly with Ralph.

"Oh, and you remember Indi right? Yeah, well she went and married Tom in the end!"


"Yep. I was the same as you when I first heard."

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