Ruel's POV

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Alira walks out of the room without another word and to my humiliation closes the door. I'm left sitting on her bed in the semidarkness convincing myself that I shouldn't regret it.

I sigh and get up to go to the bathroom. When I go in a bright pink note catches my eye. It's about ten centimetres long and five wide. I read it guiltily.

Goals for my new life

1. Make friends at school

2. Get dad a wife

3. Achieve well in school

4. Date him :)

Whether she's referring to me or not, either one will make me feel terrible. If she means me, what have I just done? If she doesn't, somehow I feel jealous. Even though I know I don't like her.

I leave the room and go downstairs. When I get to the table Alira isn't there.

Mum raises her eyebrows at me disapprovingly and Coco stands up. She looks like she's going to walk past my but she grabs my collar and drags me up to the first landing in the stairs, shoves me against the wall and holds me there.

"Coco, what the-"

"Guess who just came downstairs and walked out the front door crying?" She whispers. "Guess!?"

I mouth wordlessly, silently. 

She loosens her grip and I stand up a little straighter but this movement makes her shove me back again.

"It's happened now, what do you want me to do?" I hiss.

"Go find her. Tell her you're sorry. Don't tell her you won't see her again, idiot, but just don't plan on it."

"That's worse."

"Than what?"

I don't answer. She let's go of me and shoves me down the stairs. 

I pass the table and feel everyone staring at me. When I go out the front door the talk resumes.

I shiver in the chilly air and go down the driveway. The street is empty. I have no idea where to look so I walk towards the beach.

When I get Down to the car park I sit on the bench looking out at the dark ocean. The rumble of a car comes from the street behind me and I turn instinctively. It doesn't  Stop.

I look back at the beach and notice someone sitting on the sand. Even from here I know it's Alira. 

I stand up and walk as slowly as possible down to the shore. I'm about a metre behind her on the sand when she speaks.

"You know you don't even know me."

It isn't a question. It's a statement.

I sit down next to her but she doesn't look at me. She's staring out at the soft sea, eyes glazed with tears.

"I don't know you." I confirm quietly. "But I want to."

I can tell I've said the wrong thing. She doesn't stand up but she looks at me and starts yelling.

"No you don't! And I don't want you to! This is stupid, this is random, we aren't friends! I don't like you, I don't want to. Get away from me, hop right back out of my life! You're... you're famous and I'm just some girl who was 'fortunate' to meet you! Not that we met! I've known you for what, a few weeks? Over which time we kissed once and argued like nine times?! You hate me, you told me you didn't want anything to do with me, and I am not going around in this  stupid circle of emotions again!"

your eyes ~ RUEL FAN FIC ~Where stories live. Discover now