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I... confessed.

Under the the pink cherry blossom leaves, we walk hand in hand. I then stop on my tracks, he looked at me with confusion written all over his face. I took a deep and heavy sigh before I decided to speak up.

"I.. I" I mentally scolded myself for stuttering I sighed again before I continue. "I.. Like.. you.." my voice slowly turning into a whisper. I looked down seeing his face, he was...shocked. I felt a familiar hand on my chin, slowly the hand rises my chin. I saw him grinning for ear to ear.

"I like you too" He stated as he hugged me tightly in his arms.
I never felt so secured in my life. It feels like I perfectly fit in his arms, like we were made for each other. I hugged him back, we stayed like that for a while though I don't want it to end.

As time passes the "like" slowly turned into "love"— something that keeps us bonded together, we were faithful with each other, we were committed. We knew it wasn't just some puppy teenagers' love, it was committed love never to be broken by a simple silly reason. We were simply deeply in love.

Our relationship was perfect that's how I can describe it. Just a decent amount of jealousy, arguments, and fights. It's what made our relationship strong those troubles we had made us stronger to face the unknown mysteries that the future holds. It was ethereal. As years pass by we get stronger and stronger, more challenges, more fears, more arguments but it's all worth it in the end.

Sitting under the bench, chatting like our usual routine. We talked about our future together how we'll have a house for ourselves, how we'll raise our 7 kids, how we'll make them the happiest, how we'll be when we grow old, how our dreams will come true, and lastly how we'll stay together till death do us part. Laughing at our thoughts, he held my hand in his— it fits perfectly like I'm made for him and his made for me. He smiled at me before uttering these words "I love you till death do us part". It made my heart skip a beat, he never fails to make my heart flutter and everyday he never fails to make me smile, I felt like I was the happiest and luckiest woman on earth. That's what makes me fall in love with him every single day and I'll never get tired of it.

More years passed and now I'm walking down the aisle, seeing him in his black tuxedo standing near the altar where we'll say our vows and promises. Tears are brimming our eyes as I walk down the aisle. Soon enough I reached the altar where my soon-to-be husband awaits. We said our vows and promises both ending it with "I love you forever and for always till death do us part".
The priest then announces the last part of the ceremony.

"You may kiss the bride" he said.
I saw him smiling ever so widely at me with his eyes glistening as the light reflects on it. He was about to kiss me when.... I woke up.

I felt hot tears running down my cheeks staining them as it runs down my skin.

"A dream is the only way for me to have you as mine." I whisper to myself, trying to wipe the tears that endlessly flows.

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