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If you think age doesn't matter, it matters.
If you think gender doesn't matter, it matters.
If you think love is limitless, it is not.
If you think love is easy to understand, it isn't.
If you think love is simple, it's not.

Love isn't just a simple feeling of attraction or desire of wanting towards another individual, it is and will always be a complex feeling that needs deeper understanding for one to truly assimilate it's thought.

Age, gender and other factors that may possible affect decision making matters, there are a lot of possibilities, outcomes and results that may or may not be up to our preferences. We must consider what we must to not regret what we have decided on in the near future. Love is not just a feeling it's a decision, remember that. A decision to stay committed to someone or to let go of someone. A decision that may lead to certain circumstances that are or are not preferable by many.

If you say that you're stupid because you loved him/her too much, then why didn't you stop when you could no longer handle it? Letting go doesn't necessarily mean that you don't love the person anymore, sometimes it means you just need to free yourself from something that you can't continuously live with. You see when we say love has no limitations that is untrue, for love itself is a limition- a limition of ones feeling of attraction.

If you think that you're hurting because you love him/her— that's a no, you are hurting simply because you chose to be hurt. If you can't hold on any longer then let go. Loving someone doesn't mean you have to be selfless, sometimes we have to be selfish in order for us to be truly happy, in order to find our true selves. If you want to truly love someone learn to love yourself first, know your limitations and know your worth. Then only you will understand what love really is.
All in my OPINION, if any are offended I sincerely apologize. If you want me to take this down, I will. This isn't directed to anybody, it is just a thought of mine. Again if offended, I sincerely apologize.

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