Prologue: Part 1

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"Once upon a time...

I was once a powerful sorceress. My powers never cease to expand and I never lost... until that frightful night..."

It was a cold and windy night, but that didn't stop the war. Wars, they don't stop for no one. It was raining hard and there was hardly any light. Aside from the occasional strike of lightning and the claps of thunder. But the clap of thunder could only cover so much of the screams and shrills. A battleship that was ordered to destroy the village below was under attack, the destroyer being Howl, a powerful wizard who gave his heart to a demon. His beast form and the magic he process was destroying one of the King of Ingary's battleship. Hanging off the middle of the ship, his large claws penetrated the thick metal hide, his mouth opened wide as drool and spit fell as he clamped his jaws down on Suliman's beasts that got too close him.

Many of Madame Suliman's beasts flooded out of the battleship, stretching out their wings they didn't waste any time. Flying towards Howl they clung to his body, biting and scratching, inflicting any pain or injury they could to the rogue wizard. But Howl was larger and more powerful, he easily flicks and destroyed the former wizards and witches. Howl continued to destroy the ship, but it was an ear-piercing screech that came above him that made him snap his head upwards. The heavily pouring rain, ran through his coal-black feathers and down his beak, the water mix with the blood allowing Howl to taste his own blood.

It started off as a loud and powerful screech, then it came as a grey shadow hidden behind the storm clouds. Until it appeared, it's large feathered wings sending large gush of wind. Its mouth was hanging open, displaying the many sharp swords like teeth, like Howl, drool was flying out of its mouth. Howl stared at one of King's beasts, his wild eyes, cleared for a moment. He watched as the ashy-golden-blonde bird-like beast flew towards him, her mouth open and her talons open. Her feathers were ruffled as many of them left a trail behind her.

"Delacy..." Howl murmured, his tone altered by his beast form, yet there was still a softness and fondness in it. His eyes transformed into ones of sadness, seeing his old friend flying towards him.

When Delacy was close enough, Howl dug his talons more into the ship's hide, as he pushed on it to propel himself into the air. Flipping himself onto his back, he locked talons with Delacy's. The two screeched at each other, as they began to free-fall through the sky. Rearing her large head back, Delacy glared down at Howl. Howl, too, stared at Delacy's glaring figure and something formed in Howl. Being in such proximity to her after all these years, even if she was in such a form. Her pretty face came to his mind, her pretty blue eyes washed through his mind. And he felt himself begin to shrink in form as his human side took over. But, Delacy growled a roar, rearing her head back, she bit him, hard in the shoulder. Howl roared in pain, and the humanity that formed in him vanished. The beast inside of him grew wild, his beast head transformed back and with one of his large hands, he strikes her hard on the side of her face with an open hand.

Delacy roared more in anger than pain as she stabled herself, momentarily she looked over Howl's shoulder and saw the fast upcoming ground below them. Gripping tighter on Howl's claws, she threw him up and away from her and the ground. With a large flap of her wings, she lifted herself up into the sky. The two bird-like beasts circled each other in the air, until again they locked talons again, screeching they swung their heads at each other biting and head butting. They twirled in the air, almost like a mating dance. But this wasn't a dance, this was a battle.

"Delacy..." Howl tried again, his tone angry and snarling.

"Howl," Replied Delacy, her tone equally angry and snarling, but with a hint of the sultry-sweet tone he had grown to love.

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