Prologue: Part 2

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"There, don't you look marvellous!" Exclaimed Howl when Delacy finally walked down from Howl's bedroom.

Howl had spent the better of the morning in town looking for the perfect dress for Delacy to wear when she goes to meet Madame Suliman. Using the banister for support, Delacy made her way towards his spread open arms, as Howl look from Calcifer to Delacy. It was obvious Howl was seeking approval from them both.

"She looks like a school teacher." Remarked Calcifer, enjoying the immediate sour expression that worked its way onto Howl's expression.

"Quite, you twat!" Roared Howl, pointing a long and slender finger at Calcifer.

Ignoring the two bickering fools, Delacy was too busy tying the delicate bow around her neck. Once she tried a simple bow, she began to brush and flatten the pretty pink dress that Howl had purchased for her. It was a simple A-line dress, the best of its modern style, and it was obvious nothing to sneeze at. Of course, Howl wouldn't just buy a simple dress, this was Howl, of course, he wouldn't be seen buying something of low quality.

"I'm ready," Delacy called, her voice still soft but somehow even though he was bickering with Calcifer, Howl had managed to hear her.

Turning towards her, Howl held an arm for her to grasp, reaching forward Delacy wrapped her arm around his. The two walked towards the door, spinning the dial to Kingsbury, Howl waited until the small chime echoed throughout the room. Opening the door, the loud sound of people talking and the screeching and honks of cars horns echoed through Delacy's ears. An expression of wonder was adorned on her face, with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Delacy looked at Howl with raised eyebrows, but the older man simply only smiled at her. Squeezing her arm gently, Howl was the first to move out of the building, looking over her shoulder Delacy saw the old stone building that Howl had claimed to be his door.

"Come on, Delacy. You'll have time for sightseeing later." Murmured Howl as he leads the smaller woman away and down the busy street.

Walking through the very familiar streets of Kingsbury, Delacy couldn't help but feel happiness grow in her, remembering all the lovely memories that she and Howl had made in their youth when they were training together under Madame Suliman's eye. There were many people on this busy street, and Delacy found herself being constantly knocked and pushed, noticing this Howl wrapped a protective arm around her as he pulled her closer to his side. Glaring at the men and women who dared touch her, some shrank away or some glared back at the raven-haired male.

"It seems so long ago when we use to do this, doesn't it, Howell?" Delacy randomly spoke, looking down at the markets below as they walked on a stone bridge.

"Yes, it seems like a lifetime ago." Replied Howl looking down at the same market that the young couple had spent many of their youth exploring and running through.

"Maybe it was." Whispered Delacy making Howl stare at her in hurt.

They stop momentarily to bast in the warm sunlight and to allow the sight of the markets below to enter their mind, reliving their childhood in a span of few seconds. Moving along, the couple didn't go unseen by citizens those who they pass would stare. Women would giggle, covering their giggles as they pointed at Howl. Men would stare at Delacy, hoping the pale-haired woman would glance at them. But Delacy didn't do such things, her mind being preoccupied with the upcoming meeting that she and Madame Suliman were about to have. However, Howl would look at the women who giggled and smiled at him, bathing in their attraction to him. He would smile and wink at those he found pretty or even beautiful if he was lucky. But he stopped this once he heard a young woman speaks to her husband, with a small happy smile.

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