Chapter 2

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"So, what do you have hidden in your pocket, Sophie?" He asked changing the subject.

"Huh?" Sophie uttered, as she looked towards Howl. But nonetheless, Sophie reached into her pocket. With wide eyes, Sophie pulled out a small square piece of red paper that was folded in half. "What is this?"

"Give it to me." Said Howl, with an outstretched hand.

Passing the note over to Howl, it didn't get the chance to be passed over to his, once the paper corner touched the tip of Howl's finger. It unfolded itself, as sparks flew out of it. Delacy watched with furrowed brows, as she watched the scene unfold. As the paper fell down on its back, the drawing that was on it transferred to the wooden table by fire. Looking from the scorch marks and towards Howl, Delacy raised an unimpressed brow up as she pulled her lips into a frown.

"Scorch mark! Howl, can you read them?" Markl asked as he leaned on the table to get a better look at the marks.

"This is an ancient sorcery. Quite powerful too." Mused Howl as he read the marks.

"Oh, you really did it this time, Howell. The Witch of the Waste, really? When will you ever learn!" Delacy snarled as she crossed her arms, the frown she wore deepened as she glared at Howl. "You need to stop with these ridiculous shenanigans of falling for every pretty filly that crosses your path, you no good dog!"

"It's the Witch of the Waste?" Questioned Markl, as he turned to Howl.

"You, who swallowed a fallen heart, oh, heartless man. Your heart will soon belong to me... well, that can't be good for the table." Spoke Howl ignoring Delacy comment, much to her anger as she huffed.

Raising his hand up, Howl moved his hand over the scorch mark taking the mark with him. Both Sophie and Markl watched Howl's hand, but Delacy was watching Howl's face. She watched as the smug and excited smirk appeared on his face, it only got larger the more his power worked. Delacy knew this look very well, it was the expression that adorned his face when he was young and studying magic under Sauliman's watchful eyes. When she was younger she used to love this expression, but now as an adult, Delacy couldn't help by scoff at the smug expression.

"Wow, it's gone!" Gushed Markl as he looks over the now clean table.

"Yes, but the curse that came with it is still there." Replied Delacy, sipping her tea, she raised a brow at Howl while saying this. But Howl only smiled a coy and innocent smile in return.

"Excuse me, my friends. Please, continue your meal." Spoke Howl as he stood up with his half-uneaten plate. Moving towards Calcifer, he used the spoon to push his uneaten food into Clacifer's waiting mouth. "Calcifer, move the castle 60 miles to the west." Placing the plate next to Calcifer, Howl turned away and walked towards the stairs. But he paused as he lowered himself down. "Oh, and while you are at it, make hot water for my bath."

"Oh, yeah, sure! Like moving the castle isn't already hard enough!" Came Calcifer's complaining voice.

Sophie and Markl sat where they were in silence, staring at the stairs where Howl had just been. But they were soon knocked out of their stare when the quiet screech of metal scrap against porcelain. Looking to where Delacy sat minding her own business as she cut her bacon into bite-sized pieces. She didn't look at the two as she ate.

"You're not working for the Witch of the Waste are you, Sophie?" Came Markl's accusing voice.

"Markl!" Hissed Delacy. "That was rude and unneeded!"

"I would never work for that witch! She was the one who put this-" Screamed Sophie, offended by such an accusation. But it seemed that Sophie wasn't capable of finishing her sentence, even though she wanted to. In frustration, Sophie hit the table with both of her closed fist, making books and objects fly off the table along with their food. "Ah! If I ever get my hands on that witch, I'm going to wring her fat neck! Let me finish eating my breakfast!"

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