Nurse Steve

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I was quite shocked to see Billy and to see how injured he was. "It's nothing princess" he told me but I didn't like that answer "get inside and go right upstairs" I snarled a bit making him chuckle. He put his cigarette out with his boot and walked into my house kicking his shoes off I followed behind him lucky none of the kids noticed.

"Cute little bedroom pretty boy" I heard him say as I walked to the bathroom to grab my moms first aid kit. I walked in and he was sat on my bed just scanning the room with his oceans for eyes. "Now you're gonna let me fix those cuts up" I said sternly "go right ahead" he smirked I just rolled my eyes. I pushed his legs apart so I could stand between them, I pulled an alcohol wipe out and cleaned the cuts "fuck" he grumbled "language." I said and then found the little pinch bandaids that held the cut together and placed them on the deepest ones. I moved onto his cheek where he had a bruise forming to match mine I ran my thumb over it and sighed. Soon I felt hands on my waist as I inspect his face "hey there" I said a little embarrassed he looked up with a more gentle look to him than usual I wasn't to bothered by the touch but more so bother by the fact that I enjoyed it. "Wanna tell me how you got these battle wounds?" I asked but he stayed silent, I gave him a little shove making him scoot back on my bed I put his left foot on my thigh and rolled his jeans up and pulled his sock down I pushed and turned is foot to see his reaction he hissed in pain and gripped the sheets "definitely a bad sprain it's pretty black" I grabbed the wrap bandage and started to wrap up his ankle.

"My father." Was all he said I let him sit back "explain" was all I said. He pulled me so I was sitting with him on the edge of the bed "he beats me on the daily." He said looking down to his hands which were clenched fists. Suddenly Billy's egotistical asshole personality started to make sense. There was a reason he was like this. I was dumbfounded though, I couldn't find the right words. "I'll get going now. I'll pick Max up in the morning." He started to stand but I grabbed his wrist but not hard enough to hurt him "stay.... please. I'm worried"  he looked at me with shock like it was the first time anyone had ever cared about him or for him "what.. what about your parents?" He raised an eyebrow an sat "they are never even in town, constantly on road trips" I shrugged "what about the kids? Do they know I punched you today? I'm.... I'm sorry about that by the way" he frowned "Hey don't worry about them, or me at that fact. It's okay I shouldn't have provoked you" I shrugged once again.

He rested his head on my shoulder "I'm not always a douche bag ya know?" He said to me with hurt in his voice, I knew since I met him that there was someone else under that thick skin. "I know..."

"Sorry for practically calling you a faggot." I frowned and he sat up and looked at me and then flopped onto his back "oh well princess, what if I didn't mind?" He said making my mind run 1 million miles per second "if you didn't mind I wouldn't have a purple bruise that matches yours, those rings do some damage Hargrove" he just chuckled his cold cocky chuckle.

We sat there in silence but it wasn't awkward at all, the whole time I sat there I was trying to make sense of what he said. Is Billy Hargrove the lady killer himself actually into boys? It can't be that just makes no sense to me. Am I King Steve 'the hair' Harrington into guys, I never did feel fully in love with Nancy sure she was pretty but something didn't feel right when we were together.

I glanced at billy who was sound asleep on my bed he looked harmless when he slept, like a big bad boy baby. It was cute- Oh No!

Soon enough I fell asleep next to Billy and woke up the next morning with his arms wrapped around me, I tried to get up so I could go check the kids but he had me in his death..... man he was strong. "Morning princess" I heard him whisper in his usual charming snaky voice right in my ear "may I get up?" I asked looking at the sleepy Billy "no I wanna lay like this just a little longer" he purred and nipped at my ear a little bit placing a kiss on my head. What is even happening right now ?

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