The best night ever!

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Here goes my chapeter two! I have no idea if this is good but if you are reading this hopefully it is!😃











Juliet's POV

"Okay shawn why don't we go back to my apartment."

"Sure sweetie, hey babe don't you think we should start looking for houses?"

"That sounds like a great idea, how about we look for houses tomorrow, i'll ask for the day off."

"Okay." replied Shawn.

I hailed a cab for Shawn and I to take home since the car that we were driving in was not safe and gus took that job hunting any ways.

When we got to the apartment Shawn kissed me and told me that he loved me. I got out two wine glasses and a bottle of whine and motioned Shawn over to the couch.

"So Jules were you suprised that I proposed to you tonight?" qustioned Shawn

"Well I knew it was going to happen at some point, but I never thought in a million years that you would proposed to me today."

Shawn's POV

I took Juliet's wine glass out of her hand and put both of ours on the coffee table. I embraced her in my arms and then I kissed her. It was one of the most passionate kisses I had ever had, besides the one in Canada, and the one in Declan's house mansion.

Then she whispered "I love you shawn."

I picked her up in my arms and walked into the bedroom.

We made out for a while then we did some other things.

We got out of bed and then got dressed. We decieded to spend the night in so we ordered some Chinese food. I told Jules that I could go and pick up the food.

So 15 minutes before the food was suppose to be ready i left to go get it.

Juliet's POV

I love Shawn so much he's the best boy- fiancè ever. After he left I picked up the apartment a little and set up the dining table to make it a romantic meal.

I am so happy that I am going to marry Shawn! I decieded to call my mom and Step-dad and tell them the good news.

*phone ringing

"Hello? Juliet?" i hear my mom saying

"Yes it is me mom is Lloyd there too?" I ask

"Yes sweetie he's here too, what's going on? Is there something wrong?"

"No! Nothing's wrong I just called to say that I have some exciting news!"

I paused for a second (for dramatic suspense)

"I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!" I screamed

"OH MY GOSH! Congradulations Juliet!" I hear my parents say.

"So how did Shawn propose? Was it very romantic?" asked my parents

"Well.." I start

*The key in the door turns

"I go to go mom, I'll talk to later, bye mom bye Lloyd."

"Bye sweetie we love you and congradulations"

Then i go to the door to greet Shawn. "Hey welcome back." I say kissing him.

I take the bag and head to the kitchen to put the food on some nice plates.

I brought the plates to the table where Shawn ws waiting and I stoped in my tracks.

"Oh my gosh, Shawn!" Shawn took the plates and set them on the dining table.

He took me in his arms kissed me and presented a bouquet of the most beautiful red roses.

"Will youl accompany me to the table?"

"Of course Mr.Spencer" I replied.

We sat down and ate dinner.

Shawn leaned over and fed me a dumpling. It was one of the best days of my life.

After dinner we put the dishes in the dish washer and got into our PJs.

We sat on the couch and looked on the computer and found about 10 house lisitings that we would visit tomorrow.

We decieded to watch a movie right before bed, I went into the bedroom and set up the movie.

Shawn poped some popcorn and we cuddled in the bed together and watched The Brekfast Club.

At 11:00pm we heard a knock at the door I looked to my left and shawn was fast asleep.

I opened my bedside table and grabed my gun, I unlocked the door and Gus stood on the other side.

"Oh it's just you."

"Hey Juliet I'm sorry to inturrept you and Shawn's special night, but i just realize I have no where to stay." said Gus

"Well first off Shawn is fast asleep and secondly you can sleep on the couch." "goodnight Gus."

"Okay Juliet, Thank you."

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