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Bright blood red wax seal.

The Queen.

"Ooo whose that from?" Thea asked as I took it.

The boy came closer to us and whispered, "The Queen."

I smiled, "Thank you. Here," I took out a silver coin and put it in his hand, "Have this."

His face brightened and he bowed, "Thank you so much sir!"

I giggled and smiled, "No need to bow. And you're welcome. Keep up the good work." I said and started to walk away.

"Will do! One day I want to spar against you!" He laughed and ran off.

"What was that about?" Thea asked.

"He's a squire. There was a pin on his shirt. Running around and delivering mail is good exercise to build up stamina. All young squires are required to deliver for at least a week. More if you're not well trained enough." I explained.

"How long did you do it for?"

"Three days. Stamina was my top skill and still is." I said with pride, "The other Squires hated me for it. I was also always top of my class. Which made people hate me more. Even if I was the weakest. I was the smartest and fastest." I looked at the letter.

And I was specially chosen by the Queen.

"Your kingdom is complicated at times." She groaned, "I also find The Trials quite ridiculous as well. It's basically kill or be killed or quit."

"Yeah I was never fond of the methods. But it tests if you're able to protect the king or Queen in three years."


I sighed looking at the letter, "There are two ways to become a Knight. You can be apart of the Royal Guard and the Towns Guard. The Trials are specifically for the Royal Guard. To become a Tows Guard you go through a series of tests and quizzes. How else would there be so many guards around town?" I explained to her.

She looked confused then it finally clicked, "Ohhh. How do you chose which one you want to be."

"You don't. You're chosen by the head witching council."

"This is a lot of complicated information. We just have a ceremony and we chose what we want to be. It's like factions. But more at peace and everyone is equal." She explained, "I still have the scar," she held up her hand showing a healed scar, "I accidentally had cut to deep."

"So you're tied to your quest by blood basically?"

"Yeah! And if you quit the quest or complete it. You have to raise a child. Birthed by the woman you are with or if you're the woman. Or taken from the shelter."

"Your home makes more sense." I laughed, "There are so many orphaned kids here. I promised myself if I never find the one I love I would adopt one and raise them." I smiled.

"That sounds nice. A knights quest is never over unless you quit though. But you can still raise and protect a family."

"That's good."

She grabbed my hand, "Cmon! I'm starving and I want to see what's in that letter."

We ran to the market to grab some ingredients.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her with out hands still intertwined.

"Something with meat." She was looking around at the stalls.

"Is chicken okay?"

"It's perfect."

We walked around grabbing some vegetables and found a small chicken.

"What are going to make?" She asked while looking over my shoulder as I was grabbing a few things.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

"Umm excuse me sir?" I heard a voice behind me. It was a little girl.

I smiled at her, "May I help you?"

"Do you think I'll be able to become a knight to?" She asked with a soft voice.

I looked around not seeing any sign of a parent. I knelt down to her level, "Only if you believe." I smiled, "I believed and joined the Royal Guard. You just have to work hard towards your goals."

She smiled brightly and embraced me, "Thank you miss." She whispered in my ear.

I wrapped my arms around her and ruffled her shirt hair, "Of course."

She backed away with a smile then ran off.

"You really like kids don't you?" Thea came up behind me as I stood.

"I was forced into a carriage when I was seven and was forced to become a knight to save my life. These children don't deserve that. They deserve peace and love. Not hate a force." I smiled at her and grabbed her hand intertwining hers with mine.

"Spoken like a true goddess." She said which caused me to blush.

"Oh hush and let's get to Inn."

"Yes yes. I'm hungry." She laughed and we started to the Inn.


"Mmmm it smells good.~" Thea came up behind me and wrapped her arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I never got my kiss."

My face started to heat up, "Well to bad. I'm making dinner. You're just going to have to wait." I teased.

I felt her pull my head to face hers my my chin, "Or I can just steal one right now." She started to lean in slowly.

"O-or that." I stuttered my face burning more.

Her lips touched mine softly. It was a quick short kiss but it felt longer. I kissed back of course since it was her reward but I also could not just not kiss back. It was as if it was an instinct.

Her face was bright with happiness, "There. Make sure the chicken doesn't burn." She giggles and left me alone.

I was mentally a mess. I liked that small kiss way too much. It was just small, short, quick, and amazing kiss. Dammit!

I groaned finishing up the dinner.

"Thea! Food is ready." I called for her.

I heard her run up behind me and she sat at the table.

I shook my head with a smile at her child like behaviour.

"Wowww!! It looks so elegant! Where did you learn how to cook??" She asked as she started to eat.

"The castle. Whatever I know I learned from the castle, barracks, stables, Witch Hut, blacksmith or my mother." I smiled and began to eat.

She was already half way done.

"Don't come crying to me if you choke." I stated.

She then began to slow down her cheeks a bit rosey.

We ate in silence. It wasn't awkward. It was nice and calm.

"Oh wait!" Thea ran off leaving me confused. She came back and handed me the letter the boy gave me earlier.

"What if it was urgent!" She said, "Whenever we get a letter from the higher ups we have to open it immediately. In case if it's urgent."

I took the letter, "If it was urgent the boy would've said so and it would say urgent on the front. The envelope would also be black." I said looking at the white clear envelope. Only thing different was the blood red wax seal.

"Oh.. sorry." She giggled awkwardly.

I smiled, "It's okay. I'll open it later."

"But I wanna see what the Queen wants. It's not everyday that you get a letter from the higher ups."

"You can't. It's for the receivers eyes to see." I told her.

She frowned but nodded, "That makes sense. You gotta respect the Queen." Her smile came back and she got up taking her plate with her, "Are you done?" She pointes to my plate.

I nodded as she took it, "Thank you."

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