The Open Door

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James POV

I walked down the corridor in my house. It had been a long day.

In the Morning we had gone to Diagon Alley, I was taking my N.E.W.T's (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests) this year and leaving Hogwarts forever at the end of the year! This meant we needed to buy a lot, Equipment, Robes and Potions Ingredients.

We also had to buy a new owl for Albus as his old owl, Genesis, died at the end of last year. He called it Curious, and for a good reason too, he definitely is curious, I keep finding him in the most weird places, perched on top of the toilet, in the refrigerator, under the beds and tables and in wardrobes, kitchen cupboards and cloak cupboards. Albus says he is just being curious, I say he is the most annoying bird ever, whenever you find him somewhere he isn't meant to be he looks at you as if to say 'I know exactly what I am doing, I know I am not meant to be doing it, but just you try and stop me, Go on, I'd like to see you try!' I swear that he did it on purpose, he is an irritating bird and he never listens to me.

I was about to go to my room when I saw that the Door to my Dads Office was open. In all the 17 and a half years that I have been alive, the Door was never open for more than a minute. It was only open a crack, yet it was still open...

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