The Real Scor

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Rose POV

“Okay, Scor is downstairs with Fred and George so tell us your concerns Rose” James said, taking charge of the small meeting.

“Okay” I gulped “I don’t think its Scor.”

There was an awkward silence until James finally spoke up. “Why don’t you think that he is Scor?”

“I don’t know, it’s just he is not acting normally and he seems to be avoiding me. He would never do that in 2022”

“That’s true,” Albus commented “And we all know that he never calls her Rose, only…”

“Rosie” All the children from 2022 chorused

“Thanks Al, Thanks Guys” I mumbled

“So we have all agreed, whoever that is… it’s not the real Scor”

The rest of the day went on as usual except all of us kept giving Scor weird looks and avoiding him. He didn’t seem to notice, but all the adults did and they all looked very confused.

We had decided to confront Scor after dinner. I wanted to do it sooner but James forbade me.

“So Scor, how are you finding 1995?” Mrs Weasley asked trying to cover up the deathly silence.

“Oh, it’s great, especially now that I am reunited with Rose” He said cheerily, smiling at me, it was all just so wrong.

“Aww, how sweet Scor” Mrs Weasley continued “Scor, we were wondering…. How did you get here?”

“Err… well you see…” He stuttered nervously

“Yes?” We all asked looking at him expectantly.

I couldn’t stand it anymore. I stood up. “The reason Scor can’t explain is because well…” I started but then I felt like I couldn’t go on so I collapsed into my chair

“Rose!” Hermione and my Mother gasped at the same time and both rushed over to me to check I was okay.

James finished “We don’t think that’s Scor.”

Scor stood up and tried to exit out of the back door but Moody shot a spell at him so ropes tied him to his chair. Moody went over to Scor’s chair and started questioning him.

“Who are you boy?”

“I’m Scor, what are you talking about, you crazy man?”

“Is there any Veritiserum in this House?” Moody barked

“Accio Veritiserum” Sirius muttered and a small brown bottle floated through the air into his hand. He passed it to Moody who poured a couple of drops down Scor’s throat.

“Are you Scorpius Malfoy?” Future Harry asks

“No” Scor splutters

“Where is Scor?” I shriek, my stomach tying itself into knots

“He is being held captive…” Scor gags, trying to resist the urge to tell the truth “…at Malfoy Manor.”

Moody pulls ‘Scor’ out of the chair and ropes grow out of thin air and bind themselves around him.

“Okay, were going to save Scor.” Sirius says “Who’s coming?”

“I am” I say firmly

“Rose…” my mother says “I don’t think…”

“Mum, I am no younger than you were when you went off for a whole year hunting Horcruxes, why can’t I go off for a few hours?” No one dares to answer back to me.

“I’ll go” Remus says

“I want all the Aurors in this room coming” Moody says “Sirius you have to stay behind. So, Me, Rose, Remus, Tonks, Kingsley and anyone else?”

“That should be enough people” Sirius says bitterly

We apparated to Malfoy Manor. We arrived in a small box room. Moody checked the coast was clear outside with his magical eye and then we crept out to where the basement was.  Before we could get there we heard whispers in the hall. The entrance to the basement was on the other side of the room!

In the hall Draco was talking to his Mother, Narcissa. “How do we know that he’s telling the truth, that he’s from the future?”

“We’re going to use Veritiserum at the meeting tonight. The Dark Lord will decide what is to be done with him.”

They both walked out of the room, Me, Moody and Kingsley ran across the room.

“Alohamora” The doors unlocked and the basement door opened. I ran inside. “Lumos” I saw Scor sitting propped up against a pillar.

“Scor!” I grabbed him

“Rosie! You came for me.”

“Of course I did!”

We both ran up the stairs to where Moody, Remus, Tonks and Kingsley were battling Narcissa, Draco and Lucius.

“You will not get away” Lucius sneered

“Stupefy” Moody barked and Lucius collapsed.

“Petrificus Totalus” I screeched and Narcissa froze.

“Av… Avad….Avada Ke…” Draco stuttered, I knew he wouldn’t do it, he was afraid.

“Stupefy” Tonks spoke and Draco fell.

Scor looked at his young father with distaste. “He hasn’t changed.”

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