Hamliza: His Secret

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A/N: I swear all this weird stuff is not my fault. Blame Herondale_Potter for this one.

Eliza knocked at the door and took a deep breath. She had finally gained the courage to ask her crush to study with her and today was the day. As she waited for someone to answer the door, she flattened out the skirt that had taken her so long to pick out and then convince herself to wear. Maybe it was the wrong choice...?

Too late. Alexander opened the door, shaking Eliza out of her thoughts. "Hey!" Eliza said, hugging her books to her chest.

"Hi. Come on in." Alexander walked into the kitchen and Eliza followed after him, looking around his house as she did.

"Want a snack?" He asked, rummaging through a cabinet.

"Nah, I'm okay," Eliza replied.

"Suit yourself." He grabbed some Flamin' Hot Cheetos ™ from the cabinet.

"So... should we head up to your room to study?" Eliza asked, rocking back on her heels, an old nervous habit of hers.

Alexander looked like a dear caught in headlights. "My room... maybe. But this table is the premium study spot," he said with an uncomfortable fake laugh.

"Why not your room?" Eliza asked. She knew it was rather rude to press the topic but she couldn't help her curiosity.

"Listen, um, well, you see, my room is kinda embarrassing."

"Oh, that's okay! My room is covered in boy band posters. It can't be worse than that." Eliza started to make her way towards the stairs but Alexander got in her way.

"No, no. It is worse than that."

"Alexander, it cant be that bad." She pushed passed him and went up the stairs. He raced ahead of her though and guarded his room door.

"Yes, it can." Eliza considered letting it go but she'd come this far and at this point she was dying to know what Alexander didn't want her to know.

Eliza grabbed his bag of Cheetos and chucked them down the hall, leaving Alexander to choose which he valued more, his dignity or his Cheetos. He chose the Cheetos.

Taking her chance, Eliza swung the door open and raced inside.

"Nooooo!" Alexander shouted, realizing he'd been tricked.

"What in the world..." Eliza trailed off in amazement. The room was covered in My Little Pony merchandise. Pony action figures were placed in glass boxes on the wall like trophies. Bright posters covered the walls each of a different pony. His bed was covered in pony stuffed animals and plushies. The curtains, bed spread, even his desk was My Little Pony themed.

"You're... you're a bronie?" Eliza asked as she took in the room.

"You don't say," Alexander muttered sarcastically.

"I'm a pegasister!!!" Eliza shrieked in joy. "Not as extreme but... is that a collectible Apple Jack first edition?" She walked over to it and stared at it in fascination.

"No way..."

"Yes way!" Eliza said, nodding enthusiastically.

"Screw studying! We have to talk. Who's your favorite character?" And for the rest of the night they talked about My Little Pony. Needless to say, Eliza failed her chemistry test.

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