Chapter 2

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We were shoving suitcases into the big van. Since Jasmine's family and mine were going together we decided to rent a big van to drive us to the airport. Jasmine's dad was driving. After we managed to stuff everything in, we were off. Jasmine and I were on twitter tapping away when her dad decided to turn on the radio while all the adults sang the 80's song playing at the moment. We both groaned and put in our earphones. This was going to be a long ride.

*At the airport*

We were boarding our airplane. This is it. We're going to Australia. The plane could crash, I could get plane sick, I could even get stuck in the toilet. Hey, it can happen. The woman took my boarding pass, gave it a glance and told me where to sit. I was right next to Jasmine!

"Looks like your stuck with me on the 20 million hour flight. We could have traveled to Dubai or even Tokyo first but my dad's boss had to give him a direct flight.", she grumbled.

"Hey, we're going to get to Australia anyhow so stop complaining.", a voice said. We turned around and it was Jasmine's dad. Jasmine rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone. I shoved my suitcase into the little white cubby thing over the seats and sat down. Australia here I come!

*A couple of hours later*

Jasmine was sleeping and I decided to take a picture of her. I'd like to see her face when she wakes up! I was feeling a bit drowsy myself so I snuggled into the seat and went to sleep.

I woke up startled by the sound of a camera. When I saw Jasmine's smiling face I knew she had taken a picture of me.

"Jasmine! Lemme see!"

"Ok, but you have to show me yours first."


I grabbed her phone and she grabbed mine. We have the same passcode so if we ever forgot our passwords we could ask each other. I unlocked her iPhone to unveil a disgusting picture of me sleeping. I'm the whole package, snoring, drooling and kicking. Jasmine was laughing her arse off when she saw my reaction.


"Hey, mine's worse!", she said in between gasps for air.

"Delete mine and I'll delete yours."

"Fine, but you shoulda seen your face!"

I glared at her and she shut up. After we deleted the pics we decided to watch a movie, but before we could a lady came around serving lunch. "Finally, I'm starving.", I thought. When the lady came we took our trays and gobbled our food. Then we started watching The Great Gatsby.

*A few hours later*

The movie had finished and Jasmine had fallen asleep again.

"This is your captain speaking, we are about to land so please fasten your seat belts. I hope you had a wonderful flight. Have a nice day, thank you."

I tapped Jasmine and she jolted up.


"We're about to land fasten your seat belt."


The airplane was getting lower and lower and I felt like I was about to puke. I nearly did but Jasmine stopped me. Just then the airplane hit the floor and started rolling smoothly. I looked out the window to find bright sunshine and a beautiful environment.

"This is your captain speaking, you may unbuckle your seatbelt, get your luggage and exit. Thank you."

There was sensation of unbuckling seat belts and everyone stood up. We grabbed our luggage, and stood in this long line leading to the exit. When Jasmine and I exited the airplane we had to wait awhile because my mom,dad and Jasmine's dad hadn't come out yet. Jasmine's mom didn't want to come because she thought the trip was too dangerous. She's definitely not a risk taker. Just then the parents came out and we left the drop off place. We wandered around the airport looking for where to go, but Jasmine's dad knew where to go. We looked for our taxi driver and it was hard to find him because instead of Jasmine's last name he held up a sign that said "Matthews"

When we arrived at the hotel I couldn't believe it.

"Our dads' boss must be rich." Jasmine gasped as she entered the room. We had a room to our selves. My mom and dad stayed in a room together while Jasmine's dad stayed in a room alone and we got a large room all to ourselves.

"The view is AMAZING!", Jasmine said in awe.

"I know right.", I said as looked at the window. We had a view of the swimming pool and it was amazing.

"Um Jas, when is the 5SOS/1D concert?"


"I'm so excited!"

"I am too!"

By now we were jumping up and down fangirling. Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Michie, we don't travel often are you sure you don't have jet lag?" Ugh, it was my mom.

"Ya I'm fine mom"

"Ok, but I'd advise you to rest so you're not tired tomorrow."

"OKAY MOM. Go!", I moaned.

She sighed and closed the door.

"Why don't we go to sleep, that's not such a bad idea.", Jasmine suggested.

"Ok, you go to bed but I'll be on Twitter for awhile."


I pulled out my phone and snuggled into bed. Jasmine was on the other side of the bed snoring already. I was on Twitter when I saw that Luke Hemmings was following me. My mind was just blown. I checked again and it turns out he had started following be a few hours ago. When I went to my Twitter feed I saw BILLIONS of hate being thrown at me because I wasn't following him. I felt like crying, but then I decided to follow him back only because of the hate. I didn't like Luke Hemmings, now I HATE him. I mean he didn't do anything wrong but I felt like he was mocking me somehow. I finally logged of Twitter to take a nap. Man, I couldn't wait till tomorrow.

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