Chapter 4

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As we were walking towards our room we saw boxes EVERYWHERE. We then went to our parents to tell them we were home. When we went to my mom and dad's room we saw Jasmine's mom. I don't think they heard us when we entered cause they continued talking.

Jasmine's mom: "How are we going to explain this to her?"

Jasmine's dad: "I'm sure she'll be thrilled. She loves it here already!

My mom: "This is such a big change, when did your boss tell you?"

Jasmine's dad: "He just called Charles and I up and told us the company was moving to Australia.

My dad: "We love this job! It pays for our bills and everything. We can not afford to lose this job.

Me: "What's going on?"

My dad "Um, girls we need to tell you something...

Jasmine: "What?"

Jasmine's dad: " Well you see, the airport company called your dad and I up and told us that this vacation is actually permanent. Like, we're moving to Australia. The moving company already brought half our things.

Jasmine and I: "OMG!"

I was freaking out but I was sort of happy. Jasmine was crying and bawling.

"Dad, you don't even understand! I love Josh and you're tearing him away from me! How could you do this?!"

"Sweetie, we have to move. I know it's quite sudden and you have a lot of friends back in Louisiana but I'm sure you'll like even better over here."


I could tell Jasmine was very smad, sad and mad.

"JASMINE ROSE JOHNSON! You are not being reasonable! You need to understand that this is what's best for us. I'm sure you can make a long distance relationship work. You're too young to know what true love is anyway."

"UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! I HATE YOU!", Jasmine said as she stormed out. I chased after her to comfort her. She was about to slam the door but I stopped her.

"Jasmine, I may not understand what you are going through but I am your best friend. I'll be here every step of the way."

"Thanks Michie. You're the best!", she said hugging me and sniffling.
We walked into the room and sat on the bed.
"So how'd you like the concert?", I asked her to get her mind off Josh.
"Amazing! Best night ever!"
"I thought so too even I didn't sing the 5SOS parts."
"Why do you hate Luke anyways?"
I just remembered I'd forgotten to call Calum, ugh!
"Dunno, I think he's a player."
"When you met and greeted with him, did your mind change about him?"
"Well.... I kind of forgot to tell you what exactly happened."
"What happened Michie?", she asked very curiously and concerned.
"He... Kissed me."
Jasmine freaked out. You know that sound a kettle makes when the tea is ready? That's exactly what she sounded like. SQEAL!
"Why didn't you tell me?!"
"What else happened?"
"Well I got his number, Calum's number and a peck from Harry Styles."
There was that kettle sound again.
"I knew you'd freak."
"Damn right I did! CALL THEM!"
"Ok, ok!"
I grabbed out my iPhone and pulled out the numbers from my purse. I called Calum first cause I needed to talk to Luke in private.
"Hi, this is Michie."
"Oh! Hi Michelle! Didn't know you'd call me at 10 P.M."
"Sorry,I didn't realize it was that late. Anyway you're on loud speaker cause my friend Jasmine wants to say hi.
"Oh I remember you! From the meet and greets!"
"Hi Calum! I'm such a big fan! Tell Luke, Ash and Mike I said hi!"
"I will, bye!"
"Happy now Jas?"
"Of course! I'm going to bed now."
I waited till Jasmine was asleep to call Luke. The phone rang a few times before he picked up.
"Um, is this Luke?"
"This is Michelle."
There was no answer so I decided to speak up.
"Look, I'm sorry I walked away. I really needed to pee plus my friend Jasmine was waiting for me. Luke you are an amazing guy but I don't know if I like you that way. I've barely just met you and I'm still a bit angry at you for kissing me and tonight has been so eventful I mean I'm moving to Australia..."
"Shut up Michelle! You talk too much. Look if you're unsure about your feelings I'll take you on a friend date tomorrow. How about it? And did you say you now live here?"
"First things first I'm the realist, second don't you dare tell me to shut up, yes I'm moving to Australia and tomorrow would be great for a friend date."
In a matter of time we were joking around like old buddies and I knew Luke wasn't one to stay grumpy for a long time.
"Bye Michie! I love you."
"Sorry I wasn't meant to say that, um bye!"
I could legit see him blushing through the phone. I guess he was waiting for me to hang up because I could hear him saying," Stupid, stupid, stupid!" and it sounded like he was slapping his forehead. I giggled and cut the phone. I then changed into my pjs and went to bed. He was so whipped.😃
Author's note
Hope you're enjoying the book! What should happen next! Tell me!
Josh is Jasmine's boyfriend if you're wondering!
Stupid Fancy reference in there😋

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