Chapter 22

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Mike apologized to Luke later on. He felt really bad.
Anyway life's been good. The party was like 2 weeks ago.
Jas ended up going out with Dan.
All is well with Luke and I. We're still madly in love. It's only been two weeks.
Calum found a new girlfriend, Alicia. She seems really nice and everyone likes her.
I start college really soon. Like literally next week. I don't know what's gonna happen between Luke and I though.
* 1 week later*
I've thought this over and over. You've been through a lot with him, just say it already!
"L-Luke, I have s-something to t-tell you," I said biting my lip trying not to cry.
Be strong.
"Since I'm going to college and all. I think it's best for us to break up."
His eyes stopped sparkling. His tummy churned. His lips quivered. His skin turned pale. He dropped to his knees. He then rolled over and fell flat down. Was he dead??!!!

We rushed him to the hospital. We were in a meeting with the doctor.
"Good evening."
"Good evening."
"I'm Dr. Craig. Luke is okay. His heart nearly stopped, but he's okay."
I smiled.
"What's wrong, though?"
"He's fine, what do you mean what's wrong?"
"Why did his heart nearly stop?"
"Well you see, our neuroscientists have been trying out new things. They invented this device that can see brains. Now they've invented one that can see hearts. When people use the expression their heart dropped, Luke's heart literally did, but he's okay. One of his emotions was in overdrive, so he fainted."
I was on my way to see him.
"Yeah, it's me."
"Didn't we just break up?"
"Yes," I said quietly.
He thought.
"Then why are you here?"
"Luke, I still love you. I just can't manage dating and college at the same time."
"Yes you can."
"Luke, I can't. I have to go to college and you have a career. I don't want to do anything we'll regret."
"You won't"
I looked in his eyes. He kissed me. I kissed back. I let go.
"Luke, those lips are made for someone else."
I tapped his hands and left.
THIS IS THE SHITTIEST STORY OF ALL TIME. Don't be confused though. There's still more to come. Sorry that this story is coming to an end. I just need to concentrate on school and my other story. Go check it out!

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