Meeting them

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Jimin POV

A weekend with him at a place of his choice. Actually seems like a good ice breaker and would have been a perfect way to get known to him. If he wouldn't hide away.

He insisted on spending the weekend at our, soon his home as well. But as soon as we arrived he got into his room and...started cleaning. The shelter told us that he has this habit but this actually is way more than a habit.

"Joonieeee!", I call out for the hybrid. Just a few seconds later he runs towards me. "Yes?" "I need you to talk to Jungkook. His habit seems a bit odd towards me...and he should know that he isn't the only hybrid." Nods followed by steps are the response and he soon entered the room.

I wait in the living room with the others. Taehyung curled up in my embrace. Yoongi sleeping in Hobi's lap and Jin softly caressing the hair of the sleeping boy.

I won't lie. I love the family we have...but something didn't feel right. It felt somewhat..incomplete. Everyone had his favorite yet we cared for each other in every way possible. A few weeks ago, a special someone whose name shall not be named had the idea of a fourth hybrid. Jin and I then kept looking for a shelter that saves kids from their bad families. That's how we found Jungkook's shelter and they told us that the young boy is perfect for us even tho he has his flaws. And we thought that he is more than perfect. It was decided as soon as the keeper told us everything about him. Even about his past with his abusive father and that he still tends to starve himself. But we promised ourselves that we're helping him.

After the four longest hours in my life silent footsteps can be heard and everyone except of Yoongi, who is slowly waking up and Tae look at the door. "Okay Kookie. Like we did it in your room okay?" The boy looks so tiny next to Namjoon. He nods and hides his tail in embarrassment. "H-hello." "Very good!" Joon pets his head and in response he starts to wag his tail. Everyone coes at this and praises him as well.

"Hey little pup. Come here.", says Jin with his soft motherly voice amd surprisingly Jungkook waddles to him without hesitation. " know Jiminie and me. Namjoon as well. But the others are new to you. So. This sleepy bean here is Yoongi. He is more active in the evening or during the night. But if you let him nap a bit he can be the cutest thing on the world during the daytime as well." "He can. But it really depends on it if he want. But Jin is right. He is the cutest. Maybe you can make some competition Kook." Hobi says and smiles brightly at the younger. "Oh shut up Hobi. No one is cuter than me." "Ah. Grumpy, aren't we Yoongi? Keep on talking to me like that and you won't get cuddles." "Hobi. Yoongi. Stop it.", Jin ends their bickering. "S-so...", mumbles the smaller one. "You Hobi...and you Yoongi?" My heart beats faster at his cute speech as he points correctly at them. "Yes. Very good!", Hoseok answers with a proud smile. Kook then squeals happily and shows off his own cute smile. Seems like Namjoon brought him into a more carefree headspace.

"And this?", he asks while pointing at the sleeping tiger in my arms. My chance to talk to him again. "That's our little troublemaker Taetae...he is still young. Just two years older than you. And he really pushes, even breaks a lot of rules just for the fun to test our patience. But we're never really mad at him. But don't tell him okay? That's a little secret between us...yeah?" He nods and giggles. "We still love him a lot because we know that he'd never ever will do anything to hurt our feelings." I softly brush my fingers through his hair and smile at Kook. "And don't worry too much okay? You took care of so much already and we're all proud at how strong you are. Now it's your turn to get babied and feel loved by all of us. So...please trust us. It's much to ask, I know...but with some time you'll see that we love you already and that you are safe and can be happy again."

POISONED [BTS Hybrid AU] {English}Where stories live. Discover now