The Truth

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Ed thinks Butch killed Isabella // Tabitha's hand has already been cut off // in the hospital Barbara realizes Oswald  is the one that cut the break lines.

"Pengy!" Barbara announces as she throws open the doors to the mayor's mansion lounge. She was furious, the woman she loved was suffering tremendously, in great amounts of pain after being used as an interrogation tool.

"Please Barbara, keep your voice down." Oswald said, sitting in front of the central fireplace with this face buried in a messy array of papers, scattered in no particular order across the coffee table. Previously the room was quiet other then the small crackling of the fire, so Barbara aggressively storming in startled him. He was deeply occupied with the work he had in front of him, not bothering to look up at Barbara, he was trying to clear his conscious with convincing lies. Lies that he didn't kill Isabella in a malicious way. Oswald was feeling guilty, this was a new emotion for him after having someone killed. He didn't like Isabella in any way, he hated her very much but he hates seeing Ed sad more.

"Listen up bird boy." She began to say before pulling a gun out of her fluffy coat. "You're about to be all kinds of busted. I know your behind the splat of the librarian. Anyone with half a brain cell could figure it out, too bad your chief of staff is a moron when it comes to anything other than logic." Barbara said while pointing her sleek gun at Oswald.

"Why wouldn't I want to see one of my closest friends happy?" Oswald said, he was already on edge this evening but now he was in full defensive mode.

"That's just it, he is more than just your closest friend. You love him and couldn't bare to see someone else take him away from you, because you're a selfish child." Barbara said not pointing her firearm at Oswald but instead waving it about as she used hand gestures to emphasis "love".

"H-how did you even get in here- wheres Gabe?" Oswald said standing up to look at the door quickly.

"I took care of him." Barbara said annoyed.

"You killed him!?" Oswald said in shock and confusion. He knew he acting differently but he couldn't help it, he was being exposed this would ruin any chance to be with Ed as friends or more.

"No, ugh Oswald listen I know you love Ed now, I need something from you."

"You're crazy! I don't love him, hes merely a friend, someone I can trust. He helped me through the election so of course hes close to be but that's it. It's not my fault you don't have any friends." Oswald spilling multiple not inconsistent thoughts in a panic trying to clear his name.

"Oh please those lies might help you fall asleep at night but i'm not an idiot, you're head over heels for that joker." She snapped back at him, she wasn't going to take any shit from him, too many people have suffered, because his coward ass won't admit the truth. "Back to my demands- I need well, first of all you need to pay Tabby's medical bills then I need you to hire Butch, ha that ones just just for my own personal enjoyment- to watch you squirm. Men I need men, or minions should I say and at least 70% of your weaponry stuff like that. I'll be back in a week to collect what belongs to me."

Oswald's face was bright red and scrunched from anger, this was enough for Barbara to know she was right.

"I can't do that, I'm not hiring Butch or giving you any of my army!" Oswald raised his voice at her. Frustrated, he was cornered he either looses Ed or he looses a big chunk of his empire. Barbara pulls a flip phone from her other pocket.

"Ed, dear-" She begins to say before Oswald throws himself towards her knocking the phone out of her hand. With his good leg he stomped on the cellphone with a loud crunch under his designer shoes.

"So I'll take that as you except my deal." Barbara said with a devilish grin glued across her face before walking out with large sassy movements. Oswald stood in front of the door out of breath, scared. He knew damn-well he couldn't give Barbara what she demanded for. Through his moment of panic was interrupted.

"Hey boss, everything okay?" Gabe said poking his head in the doors.

"Get out of here!" Oswald screamed at him. With fury he turned himself to the long sofa he was on to collect his cane.

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