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Ed and Oswald got in the car together and drove back home.

"It's been quiet here without you here, If I'm being honest I have been kind of ignoring my mayor duties these past few days." Oswald said to Ed as they walked in the front doors. It was how Ed remembered, the same vampire inspired decor and the trademark Oswald smell that was elegantly sweet. This was because in the car Oswald texted some of his men to clean up the chaos and leave to leave the mansion to them, making it as presentable as they could for Ed.

"Oswald I really like you." Ed said in a regretful way, gazing out the window, the mansion was on the outskirts of Gotham, the sun setting on trees and greenery was what Ed saw.

"Is there something wrong with that...?" A concerned Oswald said watching the back of Ed, knowing he was going to build up to some bad news. Oswald gripped his cane waiting for the heartbreak of his life.

"There should be- but I can't help it I-." Ed said with a small smile turning back around to look at the boy standing in front of him desperately waiting for him to answer visibly tense.

"I love you too." Responded Oswald with a short smile he studies the situation to try to understand what was going to happen next, after so many curve balls have been thrown at him. Ed gave a short "yeah" back at him. Edward wasn't sure he knew what he was doing or what he even wanted, he stopped thinking. Ed turned to sit at the desk beside him, he wanted to avoid Oswald, he didn't want to rush into things, or out of things.

"I'm a little behind on some work, if you don't mind." Ed said clearing his throat to show Oswald he wanted to be left alone.

"Uh yeah of course." Oswald stammered at Ed before limping to leave Ed alone.

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