1 • talk

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Jisung weaved his way through the crowd of teenagers outside of school, as the beginning of the new school year began. The doors had opened but of course nobody realised as they were either sucking each other's faces off, or punching each other's faces off. There was no inbetween.

"Park Jisung!"

The said male heard a familiar shout a few metres away from him, and his head snapped round to the noise.
"Jeno, Jaemin?" He replied.

They were panting as they reached up to the younger boy.

"I haven't seen you in ages! You literally missed all our meet-ups," Jaemin accused, fake grabbing his heart for exaggeration.

Jisung laughed it off and apologised, as the three continued their way into school in midst of happy chatter.
"So where are Mark and Donghyuck?"

Jisung noticed the other couple who had been missing for a while now. They hadn't shown up this morning.

"Oh, they've  probably slept in, I'm sure both of them will be here at roughly lunch time, typical." Jeno sighs and Jaemin clicks his tongue, used to their regular schedule.

"I knew we were missing Donghyuck's terrible innuendos for Mark." Jisung scoffed playfully at the thought
of all the jokes he had told Mark and it was known to the other three as they had to bear through all of this.

The school bell rang, a notice to let everybody to go to their classes.

"Well I'll see you two at lunch," Jaemin smiled at Jisung and Jeno who both had Art next. Jaemin had History.

The boys reached their art classroom and entered, greeting their teacher and sat down by their tables. Last year, two former senior pupils, Jimin Park, and Jungkook Jeon had left for Busan after completing their art degree, so there were two spots open for new students.

"Good morning class, welcome back for a new year," The teacher greeted warmly.

The students repeated and the teacher continued.

"We have two transfer students who will be joining us today, please welcome Lucas Wong Yuk- Hei, and Zhong Chenle, but they prefer to go by Lucas and Chenle," The teacher smiled at the boys and gestured for them to greet the class.

"They are from China, and Chenle's korean isn't that good, so I expect you all to help and encourage him, but Lucas is also there to help. Please take your seats."

Jisung hadn't put his head up once during the whole student introduction as he was too immersed in his drawing of a landscape in Tokyo.

(a.n: words in bold are chinese, but regular is korean. also, chensung in this is according to the we boom era)


Jisung jumped at the sudden voice next to him and he quickly put his drawing away then to look up at the owner of the voice.

Jisung looked up and found a red-pink ish  haired boy next to him, quite slim and had a pair of black circular framed glasses balancing on his nose, hiding the boy's hazel eyes to match with his warm two-toned pink. He looked cute, but Jisung didn't want to assume anything.

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