25 • ma'am this is a mcdonalds drive thru

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k so i was a being a bad carrot and didn't do my homework or fill in/ buy my folders bc i'm a rebel 😎😎 anygays, i decided i'd do that shit tomorrow so here u go my lovelies 💜 also, i'm a bit late to say this but all my titles are just random thoughts/memes or song lyrics- most of them have nothing to do with the chapter btw lmao. fun fact: my lip's bleeding rn. one last thing, sorry.


Months had passed since Chenle had gotten checked up about his pregnancy, and till this date, 8 and a half months into the time period, they were excited nonetheless. Jisung, being the possessive boyfriend he was, got mad at the foetus growing inside of the older's stomach every so often from taking Chenle's boyfriend away from Jisung, although he loved the baby unconditionally; even if the baby wasn't alive yet.

At the moment, the two had woken up and gone to a cat cafe, as the day had nothing planned and the boys were bored to death.


A member of staff from the cafe held up Jisung's phone as he snapped a picture of the boys, playing with the kittens as they looked in each other's eyes.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" Chenle huffed, as he reluctantly tore his gaze away from the younger. The member of staff only chuckled and handed the phone back to Jisung.

"It was a cute photo regardless, I think it's beautiful," he grinned quickly before turning on his heel and walking away. Jisung let out a giant smile spread on his face as he showed the picture to the younger. His face softened as he saw that Jisung was looking back at him with the same amount of love in his eyes, with kittens clinging onto the boys fondly.

Chenle smiled as he pecked the younger's lips before putting his attention back to the four kittens on his lap, making grabby hands at him. He laughed and lifted them all up in his arms whilst giving them all kisses, as the remaining three sat on Jisung's head, picking at his purple hair.

bLess mE acHoO

Before anything else could happen, the younger sucked in a breath as a loud, deafening screech escaped his small mouth, apparently a sneeze according to him. At this, the cats yeeted themselves away from the boys and ran off, to hide in the staff room, apart from one who was asleep of Chenle's lap.

"Ah Park Jisung!" the chinese yelled as he turned to the side, shifting the cat who was calmly in his lap, not minding anything. Jisung smiled sheepishly as he rubbed his nape, looking at the older.

"Come, lets go back," He said, watching Chenle gently place the small creature on the ground, still curled up and he cooed at the sight. Reaching an arm out, Chenle gladly accepted it and was pulled up by the younger, causing him to go flying into his chest, landing with an 'Oof'.

Jisung was quick to grasp onto Chenle's waist and grip a hand, pulling the older's frame closer to his.

"Hi," Chenle mumbled against the hard chest, as the younger giggled, putting a finger under his chin, tilting it up.

Jisung found himself getting lost in the older's chocolate brown eyes, with sparks often flashing in them whenever he'd get happy or excited. The younger was proud to say that this mostly happened when he was with him.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, caressing Chenle's cheekbone. The latter blushed a light shade of red as he put his hand on the purple haired boy's chest, for balance.

"And you're mine," Chenle grinned happily, looking at the younger who's eyes were diverted to his pink lips.

Without hesitating, he crashed his lips onto Chenle's roughly but with affection, weaving his hands into his blonde hair. The older gasped when he felt Jisung bite his lower lip, tongue swirling. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue in, causing it to explore every bit of his mouth, as if it was some sort of new place which he had no knowledge of.

"Sir this is a cat cafe."

A boy who was slightly older than them, came to break them apart. He himself thought they looked cute, but if some customers didn't like it, guess who'd be found jobless in the streets.

The two broke apart in a blushing mess, repeatedly bowing in apology but the other boy just laughed it off and thanked them for coming, watching as they made their way out.

"Sicheng!" the boy yelled. Another came rushing out, in a mess of black hair.

"Why can't we be like that?" he pouted, huffing as he pouted to the retreating figures, making their way through the crowds. Sicheng tutted.

"We can never be like that Yuta," he sighed.

Yuta looked away, disappointment clouding his face as he busied himself with a clean table, attempting to clean it again. Merely two minutes later, he felt hands on his waist flip him around, so his back was to the table, and a pair of soft lips land on his, making his eyes fly open.

Sicheng pulled back for a second, "We can never be like them because I love you more than anybody can love their partners."

Yuta's previous disappointed face was completely cleared now, replaced with a massive blush and smile on his face and Sicheng smiled, pecking his nose as he pushed off him, and continued his work.

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