28 • mama i'm so sorry i'm not sober anymore

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Jisung opened his eyes when he felt the strong hold on him leave, and he quickly turned around to see where everyone was.

They were gone.

He spun back on his heel after realising the absence of everybody, but wished he didn't.

"Chenle!" the boy screamed as he saw his lover on the ground with blood cascading down his arms and neck mixed with tears flowing down his face.

He ran over to the boy and knelt beside him, propping his back onto his chest as he took his shirt off and tried to wrap the area around Chenle's heart to stop the flow of blood.

"Ji," he whispered, voice cracking. Jisung let loose as all the tears fell down, nuzzling his head into Chenle's neck.

Chenle took his boyfriend's hand in his as he smiled, looking to the side of him whilst ruffling his purple hair.

Jisung sniffed and looked at the boy, who then pressed a small kiss on his lips, short, but full of his energy and love.

"Take me to hospital," he asked, his voice weaker than ever. Jisung widened his eyes as he realised and swept Chenle off the floor, picking him up bridal style as he ran towards the gate.

"Fuck you, Xiaomin."

With that, he raced off to the hospital, his boyfriend and child in his arms.


Upon arrival, the sound of scurrying feet and shouts were thrown back and forth inbetween the corridors. Wheels could be heard screeching against the tiled floors of the pure white hospital as people were constantly getting taken to different rooms for different things.

But all that was on Jisung's mind was the boy he was running to.

The doctor had just told Jisung he was allowed to go visit his lover, and upon hearing those words, his legs took him straight to the door he had been wanting to go to for the past hour he'd been waiting for.

Dabbing at his swollen eyes once more, he took a quick deep breath before pushing open the door and stepping inside.

Chenle was lying on the bed, his chest wrapped in bloody bandages, the rest of him pure and completely clean.

"Chenle!" the boy yelled as he ran to his side. The chinese opened his eyes at the familiar voice, before smiling widely before it returned to that pained look as a tear slipped from his eye.

The gunshot had gone to his heart.

"Excuse me, Park Jisung?" A doctor came over, asking the boy. Her eyes looked upset, slightly glassy.

He nodded his head, eyes not leaving Chenle's side as he grasped the older's hand.

"There have been reports, and there's been a decision to make." She states, looking at Chenle with a heavy heart.

"What is it, doctor," the chinese asks, his voice coming out weak.

"Zhong Chenle, you are too weak to save both yourself and your child. We can either save you, or the foetus."


"At last, we have finally gained peace, now we can all live as the family we were meant to become of," Xiaomin chuckled, sticking a cigarette in his mouth and puffing smoke out.
Xiaojun raised his eyebrow in astonishment. If he thought that this would bring the family closer, man was he wrong.

"You heartless bastard. I can not believe that I married you."

Yilin raised her arm and struck her husband with such force that he stumbled to the side. Her nails scraped down Xiaomin's cheek as blood came dripping out, him gasping as the liquid dropped to the graveyard floor.

The woman spun on her heel as she sped off to the exit, a dark figure mimicking her actions on the floor, following her.

"She's right. You have no right to be my father, and I'm glad mother hates you."

Xiaojun ignored the tears pricking in his eyes at the thought of losing Chenle, his last memory of Yangyang, and he despised his father for that. Chenle, the only person who brought happiness to Yangyang's eyes, apart from Xiaojun, was supposedly gone.

With one last glare at the man infront of him, he turned, passing through the stones crowding the yard.

Quickly, he weaved through the obstacles and reached the entry, to which he took off to his shared apartment with Wooyoung and San. Xiaojun had enough of everything here, and he would not want to remain for more; China was his last hope. His last hope for happiness. Hendery, his best friend was there, and that was the only thing that sparked hope in Xiaojun's heart and took away all the misery from the cruel world here, which he'd learn to handle- whether it be willing or not.

Soon, the towering building of his apartment came into view, and his steps quickened up at the sight. He ran up the stairs and stopped at a specific door number, one that wouldn't be his anymore.


can you feel the ending coming?

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