27 • save the turtles

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sorry about the late update ): schools been stressing me a lot recently and the fact that i actually hate maths with a passion is getting to me, and exam season is already coming up soon )): i'll try to update more tho

physics and biology are blessings though oml i actually love science

fun fact; i wanna becomes a doctor when i'm an adult


The young couple headed back to Chenle's old apartment, where Wooyoung, San and Xiaojun were staying; they wanted to greet them as it had been a long time since they spoke.



The two boys ran to eachothers arms as they hugged one another tightly, a big smile plastered on their faces.

Jisung stepped back as he raised an eyebrow at the scene, as did San who glared at them until they broke apart. The younger snaked his arm around Chenle's waist once he had gotten away, and held him quite tightly there, giving a sharp stare to Wooyoung.

Chenle laughed as they all went back inside, sitting on the sofas.

"Where's Jun?" Jisung asked, noticing the absence of the older boy. Chenle nodded, also wanting to see him.

"Oh, I think he went to the cemetery this morning to see his brother," San replied, remembering to back this morning when Xiaojun left. He wasn't in his usual high spirits like usual when he would go to meet his brother. Although it wasn't sadness, it felt like something else similar.

"Right, we can go there after we leave," Chenle spoke, facing Jisung for approval who nodded, smiling.

"I thought he already told you though?" Wooyoung asked, slightly suspicious because Jun told them that he'd told the other couple that he'd be going to the cemetery, but not to go looking for him.

Chenle shook his head, an eyebrow raised.

"He said he told you guys not to come?" San finished, also raising suspicion.

"Uh, I'm not sure but from what I remember, I haven't heard from him in weeks," Jisung questioned. The group was beginning to feel as if something was happening behind their back, something that Xiaojun wasn't planning on telling them.

"We should go see him, Ji," Chenle nudged, scared for the boy in the cemetery. His boyfriend nodded as he helped Chenle up, careful of the baby soon to come.

The couple quickly bowed to the others as they hastily left for the cemetery roughly twenty minutes away.


"Father, I can't do this."

Xiaomin growled.

"So you'd let your mother die, Xiaojun?"

The boy bit his lip which was trembling as he saw his father keep the woman who'd loved him all his life with a gun pushed to the side of her head.

"Don't do it father," he made out, trying his hardest not to stutter.

His father raised an eyebrow.

"I'll do it." he gave in, looking down to the floor to avoid his mother's warning glare. His mother didn't care if she died, she'd die soon eventually, but to ruin a young boy's life and the boy in which she loved as a child? She hated it.

Xiaomin chuckled and dropped the gun to the floor, taking quick strides to his son and patting his to which he flinched away automatically, turning his gaze away from both his parents.

After a while of no noise, he turned back around curiously to discover that they were gone.

"Mum?" He whispered. The two were out of sight.


Xiaojun snapped his head around to the loud noise coming from a few gravestones down, and he saw two purple and white heads coming his way.

"Chenle, Jisung!" He laughed nervously. His father was planning something and he knew it.

"What are you doing here?" he lowered his voice as his eyes darted from one place to the other. Chenle's loud voice didn't help his concern.

The said chinese placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We haven't heard from you in ages, where have you been Jun?" Chenle asked, anxiousness covering his eyes. Jisung had the same look, and held his boyfriend's free hand.

"Guys, can we talk about this when we go to your apartment or something? I think we should go now," Xiaojun asked, gesturing to the gate.

"Oh, alri-"

"Zhong Chenle."

Chenle saw a tall figure appear a few meters ahead of him, behind a few of the outgrown twisted vines which had concealed a few gravestones.

Jisung gripped tighter onto his boyfriend's hand whilst he pulled him closer, putting a hand on their soon-to-be infant. The korean stood infront of him, guarding his love from the man they all despised.

"Father," he made out, seeing the figure taking a long stride, making the distance between them smaller.

"Son, move Jisung out of the way."

Xiaomin looked at his son, gesturing his hand towards the boy infront of the younger chinese.

Chenle looked confused as he saw Xiaojun unwillingly take steps forward to Jisung.

"Son?" He asked.

Xiaomin chuckled a low chuckle.

"Like I'd have a disgusting creature like you to be my child. You and your parents are the same."

Chenle's bewilderment grew as the things processed in his brain.

"Chenle, let's go," Jisung protested, grabbing his boyfriend's hand tightly, but a boy stopped that and made distance between the two.

"I'm sorry," Xiaojun whispered as he held Jisung back, holding his hands behind his back as the korean struggled, tears pricking his eyes as he watched Chenle standing there.

"Xiaojun, what are you doing?" Chenle asked, moving closer to Jisung.


Xiaomin'a loud voice ricocheted across the stones, and hung in the air as Chenle froze, and he raised a gun.

Jisung broke into tears.

"Chenle, run!" He yelled, struggling against Xiaojun's grip.

But Chenle was too frozen to hear anything.

"What did I do," He asked Xiaomin in a quiet voice that only he could hear.

The man chuckled.


The sound of a gunshot firing echoed across the graveyard, ringing through the leaves violently.

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