Shrek? What happened? Ch.2

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Dear diary,

  This has been one of the worst days ever, and soon it could possibly be the last. Today I woke up in a room that wasn't mine. Tired and confused after waking up from a groggy night, I look down to see myself wearing nothing but a large and smelly, gray sweater -- that wasn't mine obviously. The room was humid adding to the fact that I had a massive aching headache. UGH! What happened last night? I thought. The room was disgusting and smelled like a ... SWAMP? 

  I got up despite no one being in the room and gathered up my clothes. Right when I put my somewhat damp, muddy clothes on, I hear large steps on the creaking wood floor. I put all the pieces together and I realize... I'M IN SHREK'S SWAMP. 

  "Oh y/n, you're awake-" "Shrek! Why am I here? W-WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?"

  Shrek looks at me with his gorgeous eyes. I couldn't stand his gaze, as I stared into the deep swampy pools of his entrancing eyes. I felt kind of nauseous, not really knowing what was going on. "y/n, are you okay? You look kind of pale.. Would you like some water?" I didn't feel the same sort of comfort as I did the night before, but this was Shrek we were talking about- how could I not? As I drank the swamp water, I had only just realized how dry my throat was. I was extremely fatigued, what the heck had happened the night before? "Um.. Shrek, can I ask you something?" I looked up at him, his expression had not changed. 

 "W-What happened last night? I was just confused, waking up in your swamp all of a sudden.." I looked down, I could feel my face getting red, I wasn't sure why but I felt very embarrassed and flustered when I asked that.

   "Oh y/n.." I looked up, feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks, I could tell from his face that he seemed very worried as if the events from last night had scared him. "We went on a walk last night" Fuzzy memories seemed to return to me, I could vaguely remember walking down with him on that moonlit night down the park together. To get some fresh air I think. 

 "I wasn't sure what happened, we were walking down the road just talking like we normally do, and the next thing I know you just fainted! In the mud nonetheless!" 

 He sighed, and leaned back and stared at me. That smile, I could feel the flush of blood in my cheeks arriving yet again. "I was so worried that I eventually just came to the conclusion to take you here! I hope you don't mind, it was all in good intentions." "Oh! Um.. what about my poop clothes..?" 

 Shrek blushed intensely. "Oh.." Shrek avoided my perplexed look, as my face turned ungodly hues of red. "S-Sorry.." Shrek squeaked out. Scratching his neck with his shrexy ogre hands. "U-Um.." I whispered out, trying to figure out what to say " time take me to my own home please." I tried to let out a laugh to get rid of the overwhelmingly thick atmosphere in the swamp. Shrek looked awfully flustered and awkward. I began to think that we had.. NO. NO NO NO. We couldn't have right? "Shrek.. What happened last night? I- " I didn't realize what I just blurted out. Shrek looked shocked and I tried to immediately apologise. "I'm sorry I didn.. y/n you fainted.. And I um- you fell and.." Shrek let out a sigh with a head scratch. He looked really embarrassed as if he had really done something to me. "Shrek.. You didn't. Did you?" "I had too, you hit your head and you fell in the mud.. I couldn't have just let you rest in dirty clothes." Feeling uncomfortable I stood up. "Shrek, I really should start heading home.." Shrek grabs my wrist and I turn to face him. We lock eyes and I hear The rusted old door slam open. Shrek and I turn towards the door.. Fiona? "SHREK. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH Y/N?" Shrek's eyes are wide open in shock. "Fi-fiona, I didn't think you would be home early! I can-" "YOU SAID YOU WERE SICK! YOU DIRTY CHEATING LIAR!" I stand there in complete shock, not knowing what to say. Adrenaline rushes through me as I stammered through my tears, "Fiona! - it's not what it looks like! I swea-" ''SHUT IT, PRINCESS! I KNEW YOU AND SHREK WERE DOING THINGS BEHIND MY BACK!" How could all of this escalate in the past 24 hours?! 

  I let go of Shrek's grip and burst out of the swamp barefoot. I quickly run out into the forest to find myself lost in the forests. I cry for hours wondering what to do. Just then I hear a crunch.. SNAP goes another twig as I hear as it gets closer. Without another word, I hear footsteps dashing towards me! Trying to not step on rocks and logs I nearly make it out of the woods until.. I'M IN A POTATO SACK.

        -pepper dad

 a/n - we havent updated in like a year, so i hope anyone who ends up reading this is doing well! i know the writing isn't too good since we're amateur writers and we dont have a lot of reading but.. i guess :) ty 4 reading also comment who you want y/n to be with!  

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