Chapter 2.

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i woke up the next morning to someone shaking me and saying my name. i roll over to have Rose's face in my face, and let me tell you it wasnt a pretty sight. "what the fuck are you doing here at.... 9am?" i ask and roll back over. "get your arse up. you need to watch the news now." i havent got a clue bout what it could be about but then i remember the paps last night... awe shit. i get up and go to the living room to find the entertainment news channel on and the headline of the day? "Are Ariana Wolfe and Nathan Sykes an item?" right then a woman comes on and she says "right about now, everybody is thinking yes they are together. these pictures say so too right? so far, we havent gotten a comment from either parties involved or their friends. maybe we will get a clue soon?"

my jaw is wide open and i hear Rose laugh and say "you might wanna close your mouth love, wouldnt want you to catch a fly." "Rose, youre not freaking out about this. why?" i reply. "love all you two have to do is go on twitter. its not that hard to stop a rumor. though im not gonna lie, yall would make a cute couple," she replies and i see the wheels turning in her head. "Rose, you know i shouldnt try to get in a relationship, much less with Nathan Sykes from The Wanted," i reply back to her. "alright then lets be serious. do you fancy him at all?" Rose asks me. i hesitate to answer and she goes "i take that as a yes, but knowing youre afraid to get involved with another celebrity yeah?" "of course. but Rose i do like him. thats the scary part. and when we touch theres electricity, but my questions always been how can i love when im afraid to fall? now my answer is let go and fall, if he catches me then i know it was all worth it." Rose just looks at me surprised then says "when the hell did you become so... wise?" i just laugh and say "Rose ive always been wise, i just choose to show the funnier side of me instead of the wise side." "alright well go get ready, youve got an interview we need to get you to," Rose says, so i go upstairs to get ready.

we are finally on our way to Sugarscape to do the interview when Glad You Came by The Wanted comes on the radio. Rose and i just start singing our lungs out and dancing like idiots, while Eddie just laughs at us. we finally arrive at Sugarscape and we are told to go to the 3rd floor. we are walking down the hallways to the interview room where i hear five distinct laughs. Rose and i just stop and look at each other, then she whispers to me "fate, shes a bitch." i just laugh and we walk in. the boys look up and i see Nathan smiling like an idiot and Jay yells "ayo Ari! theres my country girl!" and he runs over to hug me. "i didnt know you had an interview the same time as us darlin. how are ya?" Siva asks me while hugging me. "im fine, and frankly i didnt either. but im not complaining," i reply back. "ello love!" Tom says then hugs me. "Chelle was gonna call you today and ask you something but since your here ill talk to you about it later," Max says after hugging me. Nathan walks up to me and gives me his signature smile and gives me a hug, which lasts much longer than the others hugs.

the next minute, the interviewer walks in. "hello everybody im Lydia. are you lot ready for your interviews?" as she looks up Lydia sees me. "oh Ari! youre booked for today? oh no, they booked you lot on the same day at the same time! im so sorry! this wasnt supposed to happ-" and before she finishes i walk up to her and touch her arm and say "dont worry its fine! we're all friends here! why dont we all just sit down and take turns with the interviews yeah?" Lydia looks relieved and nods and smiles. "thank you Ari. youre really nice. its nice to finally meet the Ariana Wolfe." Lydia says while she gives me a hug. "its nice to meet you too. shall we go ahead and sit down?" i say and nod to the table. "yes. all you go ahead and ill go get my pad and would anybody like anything to drink?" Lydia asks. "cup of tea," i respond and the boys all agree with me. Rose just sits on the other end of the table out of the way.

Lydia walks back in with the camera man and our tea. "Ari is it okay if we start with you?" Lydia asks. i just nod and smile, while the boys just sit back and relax. "alright lets start off with what made you become a model?" Lydia asks. "well i didnt really plan to be a model but as i grew up i realized i was more comfortable with myself than most girls are. and i wasnt afraid of what i looked like, hell i was proud of my body. girls now a days are so self conscious and it sucks when you hear someone who is stunning say they are ugly. so in other words, i want to be a role model for girls, young or older, and let them know youre beautiful. you may not think youre beautiful , but there are people out there who do," i answer. Lydia smiles and says "so far, your already becoming my role model. that is very good advice for younger girls. next question would be are you happy youre a free agent model or would you rather have signed on to a company?" "im very happy that im a free agent model. i get to control my career and choose what i do. its a breath of fresh air being able to fully control your career," i answer. "do you have any other talents that nobody knows about?" Lydia asks. "well there are quite a few. im very versatile in talents. i am a very artistic person. i do alot of drawing, painting, reading, dancing, and do a quite of bit of photography. two secret talents that nobody knows about besides my close friends and family is that i sing and write," i answer. "well did you ever think about a career in singing or writing?" Lydia asks. "actually i did but im one of those that dont let people read my writings, ever. nor do people hear me sing, theres only a good handful who have," and when i answer the boys all look at me in surprise. "so heres the winning question Ari. do you like The Wanted?" Lydia asks. "well i wouldnt of partied with them last night if i didnt! They have always been a guilty pleasure of mine. i love their music and i especially love them. i just never broadcasted it because it was apart of my normal like, not my famous life so i kept it to myself," i answer with a smile and then the boys jump in. "whoa wait! you sing?" Tom asks. "and you write?" Jay asks. "yes boys i do sing and write. youll just never find out how good," i answer. "what? why not?" Nathan asks. "because its private," i answer. "personally i think we should hear this singing of yours," Siva then says. "dont get your hopes up. it aint gonna happen no time soon. oh wow my southern just came out incredibly strong right there," i say and everybody laughs. "yeah Ari, your from Mississippi right?" Lydia asks. "yep. and im well proud of it," i answer. "she says yall!" Jay exclaims. "yes Jay, everybody from the south says yall. get over it!" i say back jokingly. "im not gonna lie, i love your accent and the way you pronounce everything. its very different from here," Lydia says while laughing. "course it is," i reply.  “one last question,” Lydia says, “are you and Nathan together?” not really knowing how to respond, I sit there and think about it for a bit. Thankfully Nathan jumped in and said “we aren’t exactly a couple or anything yet. There’s not really a label. I mean we only met last night so we’ll just have to see how everything plays out.” "that’s understandable. well Ari, that was a great interview. its time for the boys. that alright with everybody?" Lydia asks and we all nod.

"alright boys. lets start off with anything new that you have planned?" Lydia asks as she turns to the boys. "well i know we have a couple of shows coming up in the summer but right now we are just writing and working on a new album," Max answers. "yeah and its gonna be amazing! this time we are writing every single one of our songs so be prepared for what we will write about," Jay says. "oh what are you gonna write about?" Lydia asks. "yeah whats gonna be so different bout this album you boyband?" i say jokingly with a wink. "dont you criticize us you model. we know where you live... well not really," Tom says. "well theres gonna be your typical love songs with your angry songs, with your sexual songs, with your real life songs. its a little bit of everything," Nathan says. "any idea when it will come out?" Lydia asks. "havent a clue yet. right now we are just about to get into the process of recording, cos we are really close to finishing our writings," Siva answers. “so when you relaease this album, will there be a tour coming up right after?” Lydia asks. “I think we’re thinking about doing a world tour. We’ll share more information probably later next month, but as of right now that’s what it looks like since we are starting to break into America and what not,” Tom responds. “mate, you know you weren’t supposed to say anything right?” Max says to Tom. Tom says “whoops,” very sarcastically and starts laughing, along with the rest of the guys. “so before last night, you have never had any interaction with Ari? Lydia asks. “nope we haven’t, but I know a lot about her because Michelle is a really big fan of her. She respects her a lot,” Max answers. “yeah I think it’s the same with all our girlfriends because when they saw Ari, they all flipped and were totally excited. Seriously, my girlfriend isn’t even that excited to see me when I come home from tour,” Jay explains and when he finishes, we all just die in laughter. “what? Its true and we all know it,” Jay says pushing his point. "Alright well this interview was really intuitive. enjoy yourselves?" Lydia says. "absolutely!" we all say. "well it was nice meeting each of you. You lot have a nice day!" Lydia says as she gives each one of us a hug and walks out.

"that was fun. but Ari, this is what i wanted to talk to you about. tonight me and Chelle are having dinner at our place with everybody, would you like to join us?" Max asks me. i look at Rose and she shrugs and says "you dont have plans for tonight so do what youd like." "then yes i would love to come to dinner with yall," i reply. and once again, Jay giggles. "will you ever get over my saying of yall Bird?" i ask Jay. "uhhh no," He replies simply. i just laugh and say "youre something else Bird.""im sure Chelle is gonna call you in a bit, but we are gonna go ahead and leave and go get some lunch. see you tonight love," Max says to me while hugging me. the rest of the boys come by and hug me but Nathan whispers in my ear "cant wait to see you tonight." he walks out and looks back to smirk at me. me and Rose are walking to the car when she turns to say to me "I cant tell if hes confident he’ll get you or if hes just putting on a front." "well whatever it is he’s doing, its working for him. and what the hell am i gonna wear tonight?" i exclaim but before Rose could answer me, my phone goes off. i get it out to find it is in fact Chelle calling me. "hey Chelle! calling me bout that dinner tonight?" i say. "yes! im assuming Max already told you bout it. ill take that as a yes that youre coming?" she replies. "yep wouldnt miss it. what should i wear?" i ask. "well i know the girls and i are wearing heels so whatever your want to wear, youll probably wear heels cos i know you love em," she says. "alrighty then im wearing heels," i say while laughing. "alright ill see you tonight! ill text you our address. come round bout 6 yeah?" she replies. "ill be there! see ya later!" i say and we get off the phone. i turn to Rose and say "we need to get home now so i can figure out what to wear." and thats exactly where we went.

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