Chapter 3.

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"hurry Rose! we need to figure out what the hell im wearing! what am i wearing?!" i run into my flat screaming. "Ari chill. lets calmly go upstairs and look in your closet. im sure you have loads of stuff," Rose says. "but i cant just wear stuff Rose. i have to wear something nice... you know... to impress Nathan," i say. "Ari," Rose says sternly and grabs me to face her, "Nathans going to like you either way. Now, chill," Rose says and pushes me up the stairs. right when we walked into my closet, Rose started to freak out. "HOLY SHIT! your basically going on a date! oh my gosh! no wonder you were freaking out!" Rose yells then she started throwing clothes and shoes everywhere. "arent i the one thats supposed to do that and not you?" i ask. she just glares at me so i shut up.

finally we decide on a nice mid thigh, red dress that is tight up top but becomes looser starting at the waist with my black lace pumps. i go downstairs to find Eddie in the living room and he says to me "you look lovely for your date Ari." i thank him and hug him. i give him the address and ask "how far away is the house?" "bout 10 minutes so we should leave seeing as its 545," Eddie replies. Rose hugs me and looks like she starts crying sarcastically. i just look at her. then she says "this is gonna be the start of a beautiful relationship," while holding her hand to her chest.  i just walk out, rolling my eyes.

ten minutes later we pull up to Max and Michelle's. "have a good night Ari. oh and just so you know im not going to be picking you up. youll have to have Nathan walk you home," Eddie says, winks, then leaves. i just stand there dumbfounded til i realize i should probably go knock. im in mid knock when the door swings open to reveal Chelle. "Ari! im so glad you could come! come in!" she says after hugging me. "come on into the kitchen. everyone is already here," Chelle says so i follow her into the kitchen. right when i walk into the kitchen, everyone gets up to greet me and hug me. "dinner is about to be ready so everyone go sit down and me and Max will bring the food," Chelle says. Nathan walks over to sit in his chair when he pats the one beside him and nods to me. i got to sit in the chair and Nathan smiles at me. "can we chat a bit after dinner?” Nathan asks me. “sure thing,” I say back and smile at him. He nods and then turns to everybody as each sat down.

as soon as they bring the food, we all dig in. within a couple of minutes Kelsey says to me "so Tom told me that you dance Ari. do you ever want to do it professionally or just as a hobby?" "well i enjoy dancing but i dont think i could deal with it being a profession. i enjoy being able to go to a studio room and just dance by myself and get lost in the music without anybody in there ya know? its my time for me time," i reply. "i completely understand! but me and education never went well together and the only thing i knew i had a chance at was dance so i had to go for it professionally. you should definitely come to a k2k meeting one day," Kelsey replies to me. "i would love to. just tell me when and i will gladly come,"  i reply. "Siva also said that you sing and write. why dont you do it in front of people?" Nareesha asked me. "i guess because im afraid of someone telling me that im horrible at it," I reply. "you know you really shouldnt be. im sure youre great at it! would you please sing for us after dinner? i can get Tom and Siva to play the guitar for you," Chelle says. i just sit there and think about it for a minute. "i really dont think i should," i say. i feel a hand on my knee and i turn to see Nathan looking at me intensely. Nathan says "Ari, dont be afraid of us. we are all your friends and im sure you have a beautiful voice." so i nod and say okay. the boys literally almost fell out of their seats from excitement and the girls started squealing. i just laugh and say "yall really want to hear it that bad?" "yes! and you said yall again!" Jay responds while laughing.

we finish dinner then go to the living room. Nathan is sitting on my left while Tom is sitting on my right, Siva is sat in front of me, Max and Chelle are sat in the love seat and Kelsey, Jay, and Elllie sit in various chairs around the couch. "what should we play first?" Tom asks me. i think for a minute and fnally say "Iris." Siva and Tom nod and they start playing Iris. im steadily getting nervous so as soon as the singing part starts i close my eyes and imagine that im in the car by myself and no one is watching. i start singing and i dont open my eyes until the very end of the song. when i open my eyes everyone is looking at me completely dumbfounded. so i start thinking that it was bad and i start to apologize when Tom says "no no no. you were completely-" "breathtaking. ive never heard someone sing like that in my life," Nathan says interrupting Tom. "really?" i timidly ask. "absolutely! you were absolutely stunning! you were so into it and you were smiling the whole time. i think you were meant to sing in public," Ellie says while Jay nods."thank yall so much but i think its time i get going. Lets all get back together soon?” i say, trying to hurry out of the house. "will you come back over here tomorrow Ari?” Max asks. "yeah that would be great. see yall tomorrow," i say then hug everybody goodbye. "Ill walk you out," Nathan says. as we are walking to the door i turn to Nathan and say "to be honest, i havent a ride so im gonna walk home." "dont be silly, im not letting you walk alone. ill come with you. we have to talk anyways," Nathan responds.

so we start walking along to me flat when he asks "youve seen the news today havent you?" "yes," i respond. "what are we gonna do about it? any ideas?" Nathan ask. "uhm go on twitter and tell everybody its a lie?" i ask. "no silly. i have to take you on a date," Nathan says. so i look at him and say "if this is your way of asking me on a date, ill be saying no. but if you ask me properly, ill say yes. you dont need to act so confident around me to impress me Nath," i say. Nathan stops me and turns to me, gets on one knee and asks "Ariana Wolfe, would you please do me the honors in letting me take you on a date tomorrow night?" i just nod, try not to laugh at how cheesy he just sounded. finally i say "you know that was totally cheesy right?" then start laughing hysterically. Nathan looks at me, smiling, then he starts bursting out in laughter. “it might just have been what I was going for. I got you to laugh now didn’t i?” he says with a wink. we make it to my door right then and i turn to him and say "welp this is me. thanks for walking me home Nathan." "my pleasure," he says planting a kiss on my cheek after hugging me. "til tomorrow my dear lady," he says as he starts to walk off. i go into my flat and go straight to my bed.

i lay down and within five minutes i get a text from Nath 'Im extremely excited that youre allowing me to take you on this date. we've got things to talk about especially with what has been going on on twitter. i say we should both go on twitter and just say that we arent actually going out but that we will be going on our first date tomorrow. too early??xx' i respond saying 'well my mentions have been blowing up all day so i think it would put to rest everybody. ready when you are.xx' he texts back saying 'go ahead and type it and send it. get ready for incoming tweets.xx' so i go to twitter and i dont even read my mentions right now cos i know they are all about me and Nath. i type a new tweet 'to the #TWFanmily yall know i love The Wanted and i have recently become good friends with them and their girlfriends. today on the news there was a story about me and Nathan being together. i would just like to inform you that no we are not together but that we will be going on our first date tomorrow. i hope you all respect our decisions. and i promise ill tell yall how it went(: xx' and i send it. i get a new mention and its from NathanTheWanted saying '#TWFanmily i would like to inform you that i will be going on my first date tomorrow with @TheAWolfe i hope you all respect my decision and not hate on her. shes a lovely girl and i cant wait for yall to properly meet her if you havent. goodnight all xx' i then get a text message from Nath saying 'done. goodnight love talk more tomorrow(:xx' i finally fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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