Chapter 4

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i wake up refreshed and happy. for once, i have nothing to do today except to go to Max and Chelles house for a sing a long with the boys, which im surprisingly excited for. i feel so at home with the boys and girls that it amazes me. everything is falling into place. i just hope nothing goes wrong, at least not before we can really enjoy everything. i get on twitter to see that i have over 32,000+ followers now. yesterday i only had 10,000+ followers. i didnt realize that Chelle, Nareesha, Ellie, Kelsey, and the boys already followed me so i was surprised about that. i go to my mentions and find that i have loads from various TWFanmily. i decide i will go through and reply to as many as i can. most of the tweets are things like 'please dont hurt our Nath. hope all goes wellxx' and nice stuff like that. then theres a couple of hate messages thrown in there 'your just in it for fame/money'. i dont even bother replying to those but i reply to almost every single nice one. then another mention shows up from @MaxTheWanted 'singing session with my girl @TheAWolfe today.. me the rest of the boys and the girls are excited to hear her sing again!' i reply back to him 'you know that my singing was supposed to be kept secret! now my secrets out :( #DamnYouMaxGeorge'after i sent that, i go to the kitchen and make a cuppa. my phone vibrates and its a tweet from @MaxTheWanted 'sorry babe we cant let you go unnoticed... your far too good xx'

i go sit in front of the tv with my cuppa when Forrest Gump comes on. i just sit there and start thinking about home. i miss Mississippi. i miss my family and my friends and my animals. i miss being able to just sit at home and not worry about whether i look good or what i said. now i have to worry about a lot more but i guess thats what happens when you start to become famous. i feel my phone vibrate and its a mention from @JayTheWanted '@TheAWolfe just thought i'd let you know that Forrest Gump is on and i automatically thought of you. when you come over to Max's you are quoting Forrest Gump ;)' i reply back 'damn you Mcguiness! why are you torturing me?! give up on my accent already! :P' i get another mention from @NathanTheWanted 'we've all agreed on your coming over around 2 so be there loser :P' i reply back 'i know damn well you didnt just call me a loser... have you met yourself mr. i-get-down-on-my-knee-to-ask-a-girl-on-a-date?” then I make a new tweet and say ‘oh yeah #TWFanmily Nathan got down on one knee to ask me out on a date cos he thought i would say no... #desperation ;)' and two minutes later i get another mention from @NathanTheWanted 'that was supposed to be our secret.... now im def gonna get you back... be prepared... #mischevious'  i look at the clock and realize that its 1:00 so i run upstairs to get a quick shower and get ready.

i leave my hair in its natural state: extremely curly and only put on mascara. i threw on my black ripped skinny jeans with  a white v-neck t-shirt and throw on my red vans and go outside to start walking to Maxs house. as i start walking, a car approaches me and rolls their window down. i see Nathan smiling at me like a loon and he says "get in, you aint walking all the way there. by the way you look stunning. loving the curly hair." i just laugh and get in. "howd you know i was gonna walk there?" i ask. "lucky guess," he responds with a wink. i just shake my head and laugh. "now im starting to think your my personal stalker," i say. "would that be so bad?" Nath asks. i think about it then say "no but the TWFanmily would be jealous." "theyll live. we're here. lets get to singing!" Nath jumps out the car and walks over to my side to open the door for me. we walk up to the door and Nath just walks in.

"the party is here meaning me!" Nath says then jumps out of the way of my swing. Nath sticks his tongue of at me then takes off towards the kitchen where i start chasing after him. "Nathan Sykes! you quit running in my house right this minute!" Chelle yells, then walks over to me and gives me a hug. Nathan looks stunned seeing as i was running too and she didnt yell at me, so i just stick my tongue out at him as he glares at me. everybody then comes down the stairs and greets me with hugs. "Come with us. we have a certain room fixed up for you," Max says and we all follow him into the room. i walk in to see guitars everywhere, a piano, a keyboard, and drums. "yall set this all up for me?" i ask. "well ive been wanting a little room like this but we never got round to it. now that youre here we can use it to sing and what not," Max responds. i see Tom and Siva pick up their acoustic guitars while Max picks up his bass guitar and Jay walks over to the drums. The girls just sit down on the couch and Nath walks over to sit in front of the piano.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2012 ⏰

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