Tumbling Fast

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Frustrations to feel this void
Of hatred
I hate you, but I need you
The words I could never say

Love is a overused word
That I no longer know the definition of
A word that should be blocked
Not as intense but a meaning undefined

The artery i need the most is the aorta
Something that's connected to the left ventricle
Something take you've ripped out and beaten me with
Leaving me to nothing

That's how I describe this love
But hatred
That I feel so deeply for you
But- I still need you

Here with me, for me
My own thoughts clogged with your opinions
I am not stronger than love
But weak

The feelings you made me hate so much
Had engulfed me and I am hanging
By a thread
Of my self conscious

Pulling me up
To take control

For the sake of god
Hold me tight
Squeeze me hard and don't let go
Embrace me

In the self love I wish I had
Before we met
Before we were one
Before we slowly...
became I

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