Chapter 12

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-Kia's POV-

I woke up feeling something hard, I touched it as I slowly opened my eyes. I then saw it was Ace's chest.

Wait! What! I fell asleep with Ace. On his sofa. What if his mother came? Oh shit. I have to get out of here. I tried to stand up. I then heard Ace groan.

"Fuck!" I burst out, making Ace's eyes widened. "What time is it? We have to get to school." I tried to stand up but Ace held me down. Why did he do that?

"Kia, it's Saturday," he said with his morning voice. It was kinda hot. It was raspy yet relaxing.

"Oh, yeah. That's right." I said and relaxed a bit. "But I have to get home, I am starving," I said and stood up for real this time.

"Just eat something here, my mom's not home," Ace said and hugged a pillow. I then remembered my mom's not home either. She had to work all Saturday maybe Sunday too. She said she'll try to get more free time, but that hasn't worked. She works even more than before.

"What do you have?" I said looking through counters. There wasn't much. "Ace, there's nothing," I said.

"Oh, my mother told me to go to the supermarket. Oops, I forgot," he said sarcastically.

"Then come on, we'll go to my place and eat then go to the supermarket," I said. I had a feeling Ace would only buy chips and candy. I walked into the living room. Ace still lied down on the couch. "Get up, you lazy ass."

Ace turned around to look at me. He grinned widely. "Lazy ass, huh?"

I crossed my arms giving him the death glare.

"Okay, okay, I'll get up," he said and tried to get up. "Controlling much," he muttered.

I punched him in the chest as he got up. "I heard that," I said. He just smiled. I grabbed my jacket and walked to the door. Ace took his jacket and keys.

We walked to my house. I opened the door and we both stepped in. I found some eggs and bacon. I also found some bread. "Do you mind helping?" I asked Ace, he just looked at me this whole time. I tilted my head giving him the 'come on' look. He sighed and walked to get plates and glasses. He found the juice and put it all on the table.

After we had eaten our food, Ace offered to clean while I got ready. I obviously agreed. I went to my room. I walked to my closet. I quickly found a plain dark red skirt, a white shirt. I walked back down and found Ace in the living room. He looked up and saw me, he stared for a while making me kinda uncomfortable. He realized he stared and cleared his throat. It gave me a satisfying feeling.

"Shall we go?" I asked.

"Go? Go where?" He said looking anywhere but me.

"The grocery store, dumbass," I said and walked to the door. Ace got up as well.

"Oh, right. Yes, let's go." We both took our jackets.


When we got to the car, we looked at the list Alissa made for Ace. Okay, eggs, bacon, salat, milk, cereals, and bread.

"Okay, let's get to it."

1 hour later we had found all the stuff. We were walking to the check-outs when I remembered we had forgotten the salat.

"We forgot the salat, I'll go get it," I said and turned halfway when Ace grabbed my arm.

"No, wait here, I'll get it," he said and gave me a charming smile. I nodded and he left.

Right after Ace left the school's queen bee approached me.

"Hi, what is going on here?" She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked not knowing what she talked about.

"With you and Ace," she said as it was so obvious.

"I don't understand, nothing is going on."

"Listen here, bitch. Ace is mine, and don't believe what he says. It's probably just a game he has with his friends. It's not real. He's not your friend, or whatever you believe it is," she said and turned on her heel and left. Was she for real? Was this a game to Ace? Or is Ace actually my friend, and Tessa is just lying?

I want to believe the last, but my brain won't accept that Ace really is my friend. Maybe it is a game, I mean who would hang out with the school's biggest nerd. Especially in public.

Ace came back with a worried expression, I hope he didn't hear Tessa'a confrontation or whatever that was.

"Are you okay?" He then asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked and turned to put the stuff in the bags we brought.

"You seem a little off," Ace said.

"I'm okay, shall we get back?" I asked changing the subject. He nodded and said nothing. The ride to Ace's house was silent. Uncomfortable silent. I could not forget what Tessa said to me. We got into Ace's house and we took the bags into the kitchen and put it in the fridge and counters. "Okay, I better go home now," I said and was about to get my bag.

"Wait." Ace took my hand and pulled me back to him. He leaned me against the counter. He put his hand on either side of me so I couldn't get away. "What's wrong?" Ace asked looking me dead in the eyes.

"There's nothing, Ace. Let me go, I need to go home," I said and pushed to his chest but he didn't move an inch.

"Kia, stop. There's something wrong."

"No, just stop, okay?" I argued. Why couldn't he just leave it? Why does he care?

"What did Tessa say?" He then asked making my eyes widen.

"W-what? What does she have to do with t-this?" I stuttered. Dammit, I can't lie.

"You can't lie, I saw her talking to you. What did she say?" He then asked putting his hands on my shoulders. "What did she say?" He repeated when I didn't answer.

I started hesitantly. "She...uh, she told me this was just a game to you, that you wasn't my friend," I said and refused to look at him.

He put his finger under my chin and looked my head up to meet his. "Did you believe her?"

"N-no...I-I don't know, yes," I stuttered hesitantly.

"Kia, this is not a game to me, I really love spending time with you, okay?" He said and I nodded. "I would never do that to you."

"And she said, and I quote, 'Ace is mine'," I said with a small smile.

"Is she serious? What is wrong with. She doesn't own me, I literally fucking hate her, no joke," Ace then said, making me laugh. "So don't let her get to you, okay?" He said and lifted my chin up again, making me look into his beautiful eyes. "Okay?" He repeated.

"Okay," I said and smiled. He returned my smile. And then we just looked at each other. First, it was fine, but then it got awkward and uncomfortable. I broke the trance by looking down, and he moved away. He pulled a hand through his hair nervously.

Wait. Was he nervous? I think he was. I couldn't deny that I felt tempted to kiss him before. But I am glad I didn't. Maybe he would hurt me or something.

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