Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

        "Like I said, we are leaving! Every week, a truck comes by to pick up crops from the farmers here. Most strays jump onto the back of the truck to travel to a new home." Dusty explained.

        Retriever looked through the cracks and saw truck parked on the dirt road of the village. The two slipped out of the foundation and shook the dirt off their pelts. They saw strays jump into the trunk as it was already filled up. The human began the truck and began to drive down the road.

        "Lets go before it goes away!" Dusty yelled and chased behind it. Retriever ran behind him and they saw a stray cat watch them. She disappeared and the little wall opened up. 

        "Come on! Jump." she yelled. The young dog couldn't see her image well because he was still sleepy. Both jumped up onto the truck and the cat pulled the wall back up. Dusty laid down at the back of the truck where most of the crops covered his body. Retriever padded down towards the elder and saw most of the random breeds of strays stare at him. Most were cats and others were dogs.

        The cat that helped them earlier padded up to Retriever. She was a Thai cat breed. "Thanks for the help back there." he told her.

        "No problem. I would help any stray. Even if they are a dog." she explained. "I'm Aurora." the Thai cat greeted.

        "Nice to meet you! I'm Retriever, the old shepherd over there is Dusty." Retriever said and pointed his nose towards the elderly dog. Aurora nodded and she laid down next to him. The young dog laid down as well and drifted to sleep once more.

        It had been 2 days and  they all still are traveling in the truck. Retriever woke up only to see a change in the scenery. They were on a highway, it was night but raining little today. He saw that Dusty was already away. The truck jumped when they hit a bump. Aurora was sleeping still like most cats did. She was curled in a ball trying to ignore the drops of the rain. The young dog flew into the air when a huge bump came under the truck. He was thrown off the truck and onto the highway.

        "Retriever!" he heard a voice yell but trail off. Everything was getting dark slowly, he felt his heart beat in his ears. Soon he was fully awake again and he stood up. A car was driving towards him and he jumped out of the way and tumbled down a hill into a forest.

        Dusty?! Aurora?! he thought in panic. Retriever was alone, no owner, no friends, no one who can look out for him. Completely alone.

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