sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛʜ ᴅᴀʏ - Chase

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Rocky's journal:

Thursday Sep. 9,

I don't remember much at all from the previous night except that I attended a party with Zuma. He won't tell what happened and now that I think about it, he's been acting sorta weird lately. Him and I have math class together and he usually sits by me, mainly because math is not his strong suit and he wants help, but he also sits by me to make me feel less anxious by writing notes to me and playing tic TAC toe. He hasn't been doing that lately and it's worrying me. Oh god... I hope I didn't do anything stupid at that party!! Well we still hang out and stuff outside of class, but still...

Your past is not your future


Marshall sat in the hall near his next class which was business 101. He sighed to himself as he thought about Chase and his apparent boyfriend. "Hey, what's up?" he heard a familiar voice speak out. He turned to see none other then Chase leaning over him.

"C-chase!?" Marshall instantly went red in the face and started to panic. "Hey, uh sorry about the other day... Ya know, about my uh.. " jumping up from where he sat, Marshall quickly cut him off. "No! No it's fine, no worries." he held his hand over his mouth.

There was a silence between the two for a brief moment before Tracker approached them. "Hey thanks for waiting you douche." Tracker said, his level of annoyance showing in the tone of his voice. "Oh my bad dude." Chase said. "Oh My bAd dUDe." Tracker repeated, mocking him. As Tracker was yelling at Chase, Marshall took the opportunity to sneak away behind the professor into class.


After Marshall's business class, he was greeted at the door by Chase who had been waiting for him. "Hey Marshy, I uh wanted to ask you something earlier, but Tracker kinda interrupted me." he said rubbing the back of his head. In Marshall's head he was freaking out, he wanted to get away from Chase right now, he didn't want to hear his question let alone  talk to the brunette at all.

"A-ah, there you are buddy took you long enough!" Marshall exclaimed. He had just locked arms with some random person from his class. "Oh sorry Chase I gotta go I can't stay and talk I already have plans with my friend here and we should go so bye." he lied, pulling the boy out of the class.

Chase just stood there watching as Marshall ran off again. "Oh man, I did it again, I totally freaked out and ran away again ugh I'm a terrible person." Marshall now sat near the restrooms in hall B. "Not to mention I dragged you with me.. Er Zuma, right?"

Zuma was leaning up against the wall opposite of Marshall, staring out of the window. "Yes sir."

"I'm so sorry." Marshall apologized. "So Mawshmallow, what plans do we have exactly?" Zuma said slightly annoyed that he was possibly dragged into some teen boys love drama. "I'm sorry, I just get so flustered around him." "Fucking hell." Zuma muttered to himself. "He's hot and he's cool and kind and ever since I saw his boyfriend and his balls I-I don't know.."

"Wait huh?" Zuma said now looking at Marshall with a raised eyebrow. "You wanna explain all this to me more clearly?"


The two were now in Marshall's dorm and he was explaining his troubles to Zuma. "So let me make sure I got this right, you fell in love with Chase at first sight after helping him recover fwom an injuwy, you guys have only ever hung out twice - once at that pawty and another when you two went out for a walk at 2am after the party and he gave you his sweater because you were cold. Then you decided to give it back by going to his dorm the next morning, but instead his roommate/boyfriend answered the door and they were both naked... I honestly don't see your problem."

"He has a boyfriend!! How would you feel if the guy or girl you were crushing hard on had a boyfriend or a girlfriend, while the entire time you assumed they had a thing for you. It hurts you know...especially since I've never had a first love." Marshall had a sad expression now and Zuma just sighed. He thought how it might feel to be in his shoes and how broken he might be, but he's never had a love interest before, so he wasn't sure how to actually feel. "How do you know for sure Chase and his roommate are dating?"

Marshall went quiet, now playing with fingers. "I don't know." just then Zuma flicked the boy in his forehead receiving a whine from the boy. "Don't just assume things like that."

"But they're always together.." Marshall said weakly, rubbing his forehead. "Then let's confirm it, lets go see if they are actually dating." before Marshall could speak Zuma grabbed his hand and pulled him along as he walked down the hall.


"Uh, Zuma?"


"I don't know how I feel about spying on Chase like this..."

The two boys had been following Chase all around campus and they were now sitting on a park bench a few feet away from where Chase was sitting. "You're the one who wanted to know if he and his roommate have a thing goin on," Zuma started. "Besides, you dwagged me into this drama of yours, so we're gonna do it my way."

"Do you have someone you're crushing on?" Marshall asks the chocolate haired boy. "What?" he responds. "No, not really, why do you ask?" The light haired teen smiled a little. "Its just, you seemed so irritated that I dragged you into my love problems... You could have walked away if it was so much of a bother, but you stayed and listened." He paused for a second then continued.

"At first, I thought you were just being nice, so I would just shut up and leave you alone, but you're actually here helping me now so that must mean we're friends now." he finished with the smile still on his face.
"Who's to say I'm not still just "acting nice" so you'd leave me alone after this?" Zuma retaliated. "You just don't seem like that kind of person to go through all that trouble for nothing." Marshall pointed out.

Zuma clicked his tongue in response, knowing he was right. Marshall just giggled a bit. "Uh... Z-zuma?" The teen looked up to see what he wanted this time and immediately noticed that Chase was now standing in front of the two. "Hey Marshy...Zuma." he flashed a smile at them causing Marshall to turn red a bit. Zuma just looked the other way, ignoring the brunette. "Welp, you got it from here Marshmallow." he said as he stretched his arms out above his head and stood up. "Thanks Zuma...I-ill see you in class tomorrow?"

Zuma ruffled the teens hair and smiled back at him all while Chase's piercing gaze was burning a hole in the side of Zuma's head. "Cya." was all he said as he passed by Chase, glancing over at him to catch him staring daggers at him. Zuma smirked  and continued on his way.

After Zuma was well a ways away from them, Chase exhaled and deeply and sat next to Marshall. "So you two are...?" He wasted no time asking. He flinched at the question, but quickly answered. "N-no no no no... Zuma is just a friend." Marshall smiled.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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