In His Eyes Chap.15

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This is the last chapter of this amazing story. I hope you guys loved it as much as I loved writing it. Thank you for the support and love you guys showed this story and my other ones.  

Don't forget that this story is up for the Watty Awards 2012, so please vote for it and comment as well. Thank you! 

-Shax <3

In His Eyes Chapter Fifteen. 


"I can't believe you're really doing this." Damien said as he parked the car in the mall parking lot.

I was still biting my lip as I got out of the car and sighed, fixing the collar and sleeves of my shirt. I had been playing with them since Damien had picked me up at the house. What can I say? I'm one fucking nervous mess.

"Let's do this," I whispered more to myself that to Damien. I heard him chuckle but I couldn't even muster the glare he deserved. All I was thinking about was of walking into the jewelry store and get the rings.

Micah had said yes to marry me about two weeks ago. I hadn't had the chance to get the rings till now and all Damien could do was make fun of me. Damn him, I thought as we walked inside the mall. I had told Micah that I was going out for some 'brother bonding' with Damien. In truth, I needed his opinion on what rings to get.

Why didn't I tell Micah? He would have wanted to come and I would have been more of a wreck. Even though it's been close to a year since Micah and I met, that man still gives me butterflies every time he walks into a room.

"Why are you so nervous, bro?" Damien patted me on the back, stirring me away from a mob of teens walking our way.

Why was I nervous?

I shrugged, "I love Micah, god knows I do. I want to spend my life by his side, but having the rings will make that true."

Damien gave me a confused look, "Dude, everything in my life never lasted much. Our dad divorced my mom on my seventeenth birthday right as she was bringing out the cake. The boyfriends I had before Nick were more like fuck buddies that boyfriends. Nick cheated on me almost our entire relationship. Now, Micah has been there from the beginning and I cherish him like no other. But putting this ring on his finger will be like putting a timed bomb on my chest and waiting for it to go boom."

I ran a hand through my hair, making the curls fall out of place. Who would have thought that I was the going to be the one proposing and having cold feet about it?

I was about to say something else but was interrupted by a smack to the back of my head. I turned to look at Damien with a raised brow. People around us stopped and stared. Some kept on walking, but would turn around to see what was going on. A group of girls stopped right as they were going into a story and whispered something I couldn't quite understand.

"You were the one that proposed, now stop being a coward and march right into that jewelry store and buy the rings. So what if nothing in your life turned out the way you wanted it. Life's like that, little brother, so get used to it. You love Micah, I know you do, so what's the hold up? If you're afraid that things will fail just like the rest, then do your damned hardest for it to work. A relationship is between two people and two hearts, not two people and hundred s of doubts." Damien crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me.

He was right. Micah was the one and I was going to make him happy.

I smiled and hugged my brother, "Thank you."

Damien chuckled and practically pushed me the rest of the way to the jewelry store. He said he had to go and get Drake something for the twins and that we would meet by the cafeteria.

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