Chapter 4

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Today I auditioned for Hannibal.

A girl named Olive vied for the leading roll. I didn't argue with her. I wasn't given a part and I only danced in the background. Our first practice was today. I didn't mind being there. I was given my job and I quickly learned the dance.

After practice the girls went to dinner. I snuck a sandwich and a thermos of tea. I walked to the chapel to be met by Adam.

"Hello Clara" he purred leaning against the door frame.

"Hi Adam" I said a little annoyed but smiling.

"Where is it you go Little Lotte?" He asked not moving to let me by.

"My own little place. It's none of your business Adam"

"I could keep you company Little Lotte" he smiled.

"No thanks Adam. Goodbye" I said shoving past him.

"Wait! Can I see you again?" He asked brushing his long blonde hair out of his face.

"Maybe. Goodbye!" I walked away a blush rising to my cheeks.

I snuck into my vent and made it to the tunnels. I waited a couple minutes making sure Adam hadn't followed.

I listened. I heard him in the chapel. I held my breathe. He grunted in defeat and left. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards Erik's layer.

I tapped the secret knock. I heard Erik composing on the organ. I walked in and sat beside him on the bench.

He greeted me with a nod. I listened to him play. He had a song on his organ. It was titled Think of Me. I recognized it from the Opera we were currently working on.

Lately he had been giving me voice lessons, it was very sweet of him.

He finished up. "So did you get the part?"

I shook my head no. He slammed his fists on the keys. I reeled back.

He had always had a monstrous temper. I always knew to let him get his anger out.

He grunted and muttered.

"It's alright Erik"

"No. No it's not. You've been working extremely hard for that part and they just pass you up. Those idiots"

I placed a hand on his thigh. "It'll be just fine. Promise you won't do anything drastic?"

He grumbled. "Promise"

"Good. Let's eat"

I grabbed the sandwich, breaking it in two. I dragged him towed the kitchen to pour tea. He sat me at the table pouring our tea. Most dinners were like this. Sharing meals and eating in silence.

He was angry so I made sure to not say anything that would set him off.

The sandwiches were good and after we ate I practiced my dance.

Erik adjusted my body positions helping me to make the dance more graceful.

After our dance he gave me voice lessons. Then I listened to him compose.

After a while he had fallen asleep on his organ. I did my best to pick him up but it was pointless. I tried to wake him but he didn't budge.

I half led half carried him to his bed. He face planted the pillows. I stifled a chuckle. I pulled the covers over his body. But first I took off his cloak and boots. I reached for his mask and wig but his hand gripped my wrist.

"Your help is appreciated but don't touch my mask" he growled.

I stopped pulled the covers up. Before I left I pressed a kiss to his forehead. The minute I did it I regretted it. But Erik was just a friend.

I left him and snuck back to my quarters.

I was about to head into the dormitories when a certain Madame Duobois stepped in front of me.

"Miss Brooks. I don't know where it is you sneak off to. But if you're late to bed again I will personally be sure that you won't sing or dance in any operas. Are we clear?"

I gulped in fear. "Yes ma'am"

"Now off to bed" she growled.

I rushed into bed not bothering to change and falling asleep.


*A week Later*

We were practicing at Hannibal today. When Olive went to sing Think of Me a set price crashed to the stage nearly crushing her. Anty and I stopped and looked in shock.

One of their other dancers whispered behind ya! "It's him! The Phantom of the Opera"

I stopped in my tracks. Anty looked back at her, "that's ridiculous, it's probably because it's an old opera"

I snapped back to reality right as Olive had a fit, then stating she was quitting. She stormed off stage to be followed by her little brother a 7 year old named Piangi. He was a fat child and followed around his sister like a puppy.

The directors were in panic. The show opened in two weeks and they lost their star.

Anty rushed forward, "CLARA THOMAS COULD DO IT! She's been taught by the best. She truly has the voice of an angel"

"Well. Let's hear her sing" one suggested. The other grumbled.


I walked forward.

I remembered my training, and took a deep breathe.

The music swelled in my head and heart and I sang.

"Think of Me! think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me

We never said our love was evergreen
Or as unchanging as the sea
But if you can still remember
Stop and think of me
Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been

Think of me, think of me waking
Silent and resigned
Imagine me trying too hard
To put you from my mind
Recall those days
Look back on all those times
Think of the things we'll never do
There will never be a day
When I won't think of you"

I paused letting the notes ring and finishing on a high note,

"Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade
They have their season so do we
But please promise me that sometimes
You will think of me"

The directors clapped furiously. I blushed and curtsied for them. Anty wrapped me in a hug.

"That was spectacular Miss Thomas. You will star in Hannibal. Thank you. You may go"

I smiled and rushed back to the dormitory. I grabbed my things and moved them to the Prima Donna dressing room and rushing through my mirror to tell Erik the good news.

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