Chapter Nine: Girl Squad!

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In Audrey's Dorm

"She's not anywhere on campus.", Evie said while coming inside the dorm with Mal. I was busy checking around the entire room for any evidence, and the only thing that we found so far was Audrey's diary. "She's hiding in the Fairies Cottage. You know, where her mother was raised by the Three Good Fairies: Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. After your mother-", Uma explained to Mal. However, Mal stopped her from giving out too much irony. I then turned to all the girls and thought of a plan. "Okay, when the guys find Ben, we need to head to Fairy Cottage. In the meantime, we need to be somewhere so Audrey doesn't find us.", I said to them. "Why not my place?", Evie suggested.

At Evie's Place

Once we all arrived, Uma complimented on the place. That was actually the first nicest thing I ever heard her say all day. After going inside, we all saw that Dizzy and the Smee twins were all fast asleep. Celia put a blanket on them, and told Dizzy that we'll soon save them from this curse. Speaking of sleeping, we all heard a very loud snore coming from the other room. I went to the sewing room to see what was it, and I couldn't believe it. "Uh, guys?", I called them. As they all joined me, they saw what I was looking at. Turns out that Doug was asleep on the floor, and snoring very loudly. Now I know where he gets his snoring from: His uncle Sleepy. "Doug! Doug! Wake up! Wake up!", Evie said while getting down on the floor. She even tried to wake Doug up, but he was still fast asleep. "He's spelled. Is she not a fast learner?", Uma said. "She's emotionally involved, okay?", Mal told Uma. I tried so hard not to laugh, but I knew that this was serious. "Well in that case, you should be able to wake him up. True love's kiss? Works every time?", Uma told Evie. Evie thought about it for a second, and she looked a bit worried. I could tell that she hasn't known yet if Doug loved her or not. Even when she tried to ask him most of the time, or to let him know, she would always back away from it. "Well, we haven't actually used that old word yet. Can we be alone?", Evie explained to us. Me and the other two agreed to leave her alone, but we couldn't help it. Instead, we decided to stay and see.

After waiting for Evie to give Doug a kiss, I decided to interfere. "Just kiss him, Evie!", I finally said. She then got down to Doug lips, and finally kissed him. I smiled happily after she kissed him. Except when she finished, Doug didn't wake up. Evie looked a bit down, but that was until Doug woke up giggling a bit. This caused Evie to hit him. However, she wasn't really mad at him. Instead, she was smiling.

Five Minutes Later...

Mal and Uma were in the dining room, eating the birthday cake that was for Jane. They were even apologizing to each other about what they did to each other in the past. Mal apologized for calling Uma "Shrimpy" and for not letting her join her gang, and Uma apologized for being rude and that they should've ruled the Isle together. This was all actually very surprising to see. "You want some cake?", Mal asked me. "No thanks. I don't want to get any stomach cramps.", I said with a smile. I even tried not to look at the cake; considering the fact that I was kind of getting a bit nauseous. "You sure? Because I think the little guy in your stomach might want some.", Uma said to me. I then thought to myself for a second and got myself a slice of cake. Morph even flew out of my pocket to dig into the cake, literally. As I sat down, me and the girls began to talk. "So, you excited to get married and to have a baby?", Uma asked me. I then looked at her and blushed a bit. "Uh, yeah! To be honest really, I am. Not to even mention that I'm mostly excited to become a parent. The only thing I have to do is tell Jim.", I explained. I never thought that I would get into a conversation like this, but I was actually happy to talk with the girls. "I'm sure that he's going to be happy. Speaking of which, why are you two mad? Was it something he said to you last night?", Mal said. I then looked down a bit and back at the girls. "Yeah... He told me that he got accepted into some academy in space, and they want him to be there for five years. We didn't even had a chance to talk about it yet, together.", I said while sounding a bit upset. "Well, why should you talk about it?", Uma asked me. "Well, because I don't want him to go... Because I would miss him...", I answered. As I felt down again, Uma grabbed my hand and smiled at me. "It's okay to miss someone. But it's not okay to take away something that they want to do in life. It's their decisions to make, not anyone else's. And I know that you love him, and that you want to be with him always. But you know, sometimes you have to let the guy do whatever he wants. I mean, you can't just keep him in the castle for the rest of his life.", she explained to me. I was actually surprised at what she told me. And I knew that she was right. Just listening to her, made me think about what I told Jim last night. And to be honest, I felt upset. "You're right... This is making me think about what I said to him. I better apologize to him when he comes back. Thanks Uma.", I said with a smile. Uma then looked at Mal, and she smiled at her too. "No problem!", she told me. I then smiled at her again and looked at Mal. "You know what? You two are really the best. My kid is going to have the best aunts.", I said. Mal gave me a smile, and so did Uma. Afterwards, we went back to eating. "I don't know who's birthday it is, but this cake is good!", Uma told us as me and Mal laughed. But as we did, I heard a weird noise coming from outside. I got up from the table and saw that there was wood covering up the doors and windows. "We're trapped!", Celia shouted. "Audrey must've found us!", Gears said while coming into the dining room. Evie and Doug came in too, and the place was now dark. "You've caused my friends pain and fear! We've had enough, now disappear!", Mal said as her eyes turned green. I could tell that she was trying to cast a spell, but it wasn't working. "You guys, I'm sorry. But Audrey's spell is so much stronger.", she told us. "My magic should be enough!", I told her. Mal looked at my amulet, and grabbed my hand. And surprisingly, Uma showed her the ember and grabbed her hand too. "YOU'VE CAUSED MY FRIENDS PAIN AND FEAR! WE'VE HAD ENOUGH, NOW DISAPPEAR!", all three of us shouted. And just like that, the spell worked. All the wood that was covering the doors and windows came down. "You did it, together! This was exactly what I was talking about.", Evie said to Mal and Uma. "She's right! Good job, you two.", I told them both. I then saw Uma taking the ember out of her necklace, and she decided to give it to Mal. I was so happy that they were both becoming friends. "Hey, it's your babe.", Celia said as Mal smiled. We all then walked outside and saw the boys.

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