Part 6

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Leo guides his mother as closely as possible towards us so I don't have to walk too much. Once again, I am a bit embarrassed that so many people have to look after me and basically clean up the mess I made, just because of my clumsiness. "Hello, my name is Victoria." Leo's mother tells me and looks at me with kindness and sympathy. "Leo told me, you just had an accident." She looks at my foot in the beam of the headlights and decides that the best bet would be to go to the ER.

I immediately get light-headed again and have to swallow the lump in my throat. I hate hospitals and doctors! Straight away Leo is by my side again. "Is he able to read minds or how does he always know when I feel bad?" I mumble more to myself. He asks "Sorry, what did you say?". I only look at him with wide eyes and try my very best not to panic. He kneels down in front of me and pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm afraid." I whisper into his ear. "I'm right by your side and I'm not gonna leave you!" he promises me. "You don't have to be afraid. You're not alone in this, we'll get through this together."

I slowly calm down and now Victoria smiles at me encouragingly. "The hospital's not that far away. It'd be best if you and Leo could sit in the back seat. You can lie down and lift your foot up." Leo helps me get in before he seats Yuki in the passenger seat. Then he gets in on the other side and sits down before he pulls me down gently so my head is on his lap, and we set off. He holds my hand during the whole ride to soothe me.

When we arrive at the hospital, Leo lifts my head up a little before he gets out of the car and starts running

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When we arrive at the hospital, Leo lifts my head up a little before he gets out of the car and starts running. "Awesome," I think "So much for 'I will not leave your side'..." Upset about Leo, I try to get out of the car. Luckily, Victoria is helping me, but I still can't prevent tears from dropping on her arm. Startled, she looks at me. "Are you in pain?" I just nod, but can't get myself to bring a single word out, out of disappointment.

Then, she happily looks towards the hospital entrance and when I turn my head, I see him. Leo runs towards us with an empty wheelchair. Of course he can't resist to imagine that the wheelchair is a race car... and I start to smile, too.

I really accused Leo wrongly, in my thoughts. I wish profoundly I could have friends again, whom I can totally trust. But it's still a long way to get there. I was let down too often in the past and it's to a point where I don't expect to be worth of someone staying by my side.

But Leo is different. I can tell he is. He behaves completely different than my former friends or classmates. He treats me... just differently I guess. I just feel good in his presence, he makes me feel good. I can't really explain it and right now, I don't have the time to think about it any longer.

 I can't really explain it and right now, I don't have the time to think about it any longer

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A bit clumsily, I finally sit down on the wheelchair. Leo gently helps me place my foot comfortable. This time he starts back as carefully as possible. He tries to avoid all surface irregularities and for a split second I could feel his hand caressing my hair...

Mia in Wales // Leondre DevriesWhere stories live. Discover now