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Its the end guys T T 

*listen to run for this lmao it sets a mood-ish*


             I slowly open my eyes. The morning sun causing me to close them again. I slowly pull myself to sit up. A slight breeze hits my hair and I reopen my eyes. I look around. I'm in my room, on my bed. Taehyung still asleep next to me. A breeze blowing in from the open window. It's been a week since Jimin's surgery and frankly. We all get along a lot better now.

"Kookie ah?" I hear Taehyung mumble,sleepily wrapping his arms around my waist. I smile and run my fingers through his hair.

"Yeah hyungie?" He sits up and kisses me on the cheek. I still get butterflies.

"Good morning" he smiles at me.

              We hear a knock at our door and both turn our heads. The door opens slightly to reveal Hoseok's face.

"Breakfast is ready" we nod and head out to the table.

             We find Yoongi sitting in his regular spot. Seokjin and Cheonhi staring at each other all cute like from the sides of the table and Jimin next to Seokjin. Me and Taehyung tiredly sit next to each other leaving one two spots open. We hear a knock at the front door this time.

"Jagi can you get that?" Hoseok yells from the kitchen as he brings out a plate full of pancakes. Yoongi stands up and goes to the door.

"Namjoon?" He says grabbing all of our attention.

"Sorry...I... I know you all hate me, for good reason but. I... I just miss being able to hang out with all of you... I know .. I'm pathetic" Seokjin stands up.

" Come on Namjoon, breakfast is ready" we are all taken back by his words. Did he really just invite Namjoon to breakfast?

" Aight then.... It's settled, Namjoon, go take a seat" Yoongi says and Namjoon takes a seat at the end, across from Yoongi, next to me and Jimin.

"Alright, dig in everyone!" Hoseok smiles, sitting down. We all start eating.

"So you two are together now huh?" Namjoon says motioning to Cheonhi and Seokjin while smirking. Cheonhi blushes.

"Yeah haha, I heard you got a man too" Seokjin says and Namjoon nods.me and Taehyung look at each other surprised.

"Who?" Taehyung asks, everyone eager to find out.

"Jackson.." I don't know Jackson but everyone else seems to so whatever.

"Wow congrats I guess. But did you-...." Hoseok tries to find the right words but gives up.

"Yeah... I quit working at the bar after I lost Seokjin. I got some counseling and now work at a small market near Jackson's and my house" he said. It just felt right so I started clapping, everyone following after.

"Jimin, I heard you got help as well" Namjoon say stuffing more of his pancake in his face.

" Yeah, Seokjin hyung got rid of the flowers and now I'm a lot happier, me and Jungkook have even started becoming friends" he smiles I nod. I forgave him so I thought it would be best to try to be friends.

"Oh and you two haha.... I see your connection is stronger than ever, huh?" Namjoon said pointing to Taehyung and I. I hide my ,now bright red, face in his shoulder as he laughs.

S̶A̶N̶G̶U̶I̶N̶E̶  //|Jungkook|// complete~Where stories live. Discover now