48. There He Is

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Angie Keilhauer - Born To Drive

LOVE this song!


Andi- Normal
Ryan- Bold
Flynn- Bold Italics
Danni- Italics
Lee- Underline


Andi honked her horn, revved her engine and even shouted out the window; anything she could to move the people and cars out of her way!

Before long, she got a clearway and made her way out to the main road, thankfully she knew these roads and knew there was only one road out of here!

She swayed quickly and smoothly around other cars on the road, over taking them before that easily recognizable Evo came into view!

"There he is" Danni chirps from the back seat.

excellerating faster, Andi quickly caught up with Ryan and began beeping to get his attention.

Ryan, curious to what was happening, pulled his car into the hard shoulder and stepped out just as Andi did.

For the longest moment they just stood gazing at one another on the busy roadside.

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