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"That's poison Ivy. And that's poison Ivy. And, that's poison Ivy."

"Where!? Where is the poison Ivy?!"

"Nowhere. Not every fucking plant you see is poison Ivy Stanley."

I listened to the boys nicer, and saw that stan was thinking that every plant was poison ivy.

"Stan, the way you tell a plant is poison Ivy, is by looking for a plant with a stem higher than the leaf at the top, and two smaller leaves bridging off to the sides. There's not any poison Ivy here." I informed him.

He looked shocked for a moment, and I started to go into the severe tunnel.

Eddie said, "Ok, well I'm starting to get itchy now and-"

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" richie asked, interrupting him.

"Sometimes, yeah." eddie said, confused.

"Then you probably have crabs." richie joked.

"Damn eds, he hit you with that one. You and your mom." I said.

"Really?! You too?!!" eddie said.

I shrugged and went in a little further.

"How are you OK with going on there?! It's grey water!!" eddie said.

"What the hell is grey water?!" richie asked.

"Piss amd shit." I said.

"And Ed's, I'm cool with going down here because I'll do anything for my little brother, even slit my own damn throat. So, going into a sewer, really isn't that hard." I said annoyed.

He finally shut up, and then I went in the farthest.

"Oh god! Can't you smell that?!" Eddie practically screamed.

"Gee, I dunno Ed's. We're in a fuckin sewer, filled with piss and shit like a sweet normally is. What is that I smell..." I said.

I saw richie begin to shift a stick, and ends started to yell at him.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me senor!" richie said.

"OK. I-I can smell that from here!" Eddie yelled. "Have you ever heard if a staff infection!?"

"Oh I'll show you a staff infection!" richie said.

He began to search through the water, and picked something up on the stick.

"Dude, that fucking sick. You're not gonna fling that at him are you?!" I asked.

Then, he smiled, and threw it at eddie. Eddie let out a high pitched shriek, and richie started laughing.

I tan right through the grey water, and slapped richie on the back of his head.

"What the fuck was that for!!?" he yelled.

"Shouldn't have fringed it at him. Karmas a bitch." I said, shrugging at the end.


We turned around and saw Bill, holding up a shoe.

"Oh god don't tell me that's-"

"No. Georgie were galoshes that day." I said.

"Then whose is it?" stan asked.

All of a sudden, I felt ready to puke.

I ran to the other side, and actually vomited.

Stan came over, and held my hair back for me.

Broken || Stan UrisWhere stories live. Discover now