Half of My Heart

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"So," I started off what could be a very difficult conversation with the kids, "I am going to take Millie to the vet. I called and made an appointment. I think she feeling a little under the weather." Millie snubbed her breakfast, even the eggs and toast I offered her.

"Is she sick?" Easton asked, his brown eyes filled with concern for his canine companion.

"I don't know yet buddy." I sighed, "Here's the thing. Millie is older...even though to us she is almost ten, in dog years, she's much older. She didn't eat her breakfast and she had a sore tummy last night. I think it is best she go to the doctor for a check up." Easton nodded, his lips pursed together. "Sutton, can you stay home with your brothers?"

"Yeah, sure."

"How about you guys work on any homework you have, I'll check it when I get back and if things are good, maybe we can go mini golfing or something later?" The kids obliged and I packed Millie up and took her to the vet.

We were greeted by Dr. Forrest and he gave Millie a thorough exam. "Millie seems to have some dental disease which isn't surprising given her age. What caught my eye is that she has some yellowing of her gums." He ran a blood test that showed Millie had elevated liver enzymes and white blood cell count and I opted to have x-rays done. The x-rays revealed that not only was Millie experiencing arthritis in her older age, but she had a growth the size of a golf ball on her liver. Dr. Forrest suggested chemotherapy but I declined. "The best thing we can do is to keep her comfortable. I don't think she is a good candidate for surgery due to her age."

"Will I be able to take her home today and talk to the kids?" The doctor nodded. "I know it's hard to say, but how long do you think?"

"I think Millie will tell you when she's ready." I nodded, trying to swallow the lump in my throat and holding back tears. I paid and brought Millie back to the car before calling Hunter.

"Hey babe, what's up?"

I burst into tears, "I just got out of the vet." I laid it all out on Hunter who got choked up on the other end of the line. "I have to try and talk to the kids about this too."

"If it is any help, you can call me or FaceTime and we can try to handle it as a family." I calmed down enough to accept his offer and headed home.

"Hey guys," I called into the house and Easton wandered from around the kitchen, "where's everyone else?"

"Upstairs I think," he said between bites of his cereal, "hey Millie moo! Were you a good girl?" He knelt down and Millie wagged her tail with some enthusiasm.

"We need to have a little family meeting. Can you go get your brother and sister please?" He nodded and wandered upstairs as I fixed Millie some wet food from the can the vets gave me. Unenthusiastically, she ate some of it before cozying up on her bed.

"What's up mom?" Beckett asked as I guided the kids over to the couch and FaceTimed Hunter.

"So, I am bringing your dad in on this because it is super important we talk as a family." I took a deep breath, "Millie had her exam, she got blood taken and she had x-rays done. I hate to say it but Millie has arthritis, which means she has pain in her joints, but she also has a tumour the size of a golfball on her liver." Sutton's eyes were watering as she held her tears back with every ounce of her being. I looked at Easton who's cheeks were already stained with tears.

"Guys," Hunter spoke up, "Millie isn't going to die today or tomorrow. She is older, she is sick but your mom and I feel she would be most comfortable here at home for however long she has with us. The doctor said she would not do well in a surgery."

I nodded and took a breath before wiping my tears, "I know this sucks and this isn't as simple as we thought." The kids asked some very valid and wise questions before we decided to spend the rest of our Saturday night in, and make a fort on the living room floor with Millie.

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